Friday, March 21, 2014

C.P. Smith A Reason to Breathe Blog Tour!!!

A Reason to Breathe

By C.P Smith
Contemporary Romance
Release Date:  January 21, 2014
Tour Organized by: As the Pages Turn

Purchase Links:


Love at first sight was never so dangerous.

Jack Gunnison has a problem, well, two actually, one is 5'5" and the other...a Killer.

Jennifer Stewart needs a change after losing her husband and sending her daughter off to college.

Moving to the high country of Colorado to restart her life and, follow her dreams, Jenn gets more than she bargained for when she attracts the eye of a killer.

Together, Jack and Jenn must figure out his identity, before he strikes again.

Mature readers only due to erotic content and language.

Jack collapsed onto my chest but held himself up with one arm. His face in my neck, lips kissing and tasting, light nips at my ear as we both recovered from our release.
“Jesus, Baby, can’t remember when I came that hard.”
“I’m not complaining. You’ve got mad skills, Sheriff.” Rising up and looking down at me, he smiled and laughed as he moved from between my legs and then curled me up into his chest. We lay like that for a while as we recovered, then I tipped my head back and asked.
“You wanna stay the night? I’ll make pancakes in the morning.” Jack grinned, kissed my lips and answered.
“Considering I’ll still be buried deep in you when the sun comes up, yeah Babe, I’ll stay for breakfast.”
“Not finished with you by a long shot that was just a warm up.”
“You got that right.” Jack grinned; then his eyes went soft.
“Jesus, you’re somethin’ else.” I liked hearing that. So I told him.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Jack.”
“I thought I was bossy?”
“You’re that as well.”
“And bullheaded.”
“You heard that?”
“Heard the reckless and arrogant part too.” I giggled, and his eyes warmed. I could stare at his warm, rugged face all night, but decided I’d rather kiss him, so I did, and he rewarded me for my forward thinking with his body on me, in me and behind me the rest of the night.

Author Bio:

C.P. Smith is a mother of five and resides in Oklahoma. An avid reader with a vivid imagination, Ms. Smith set out to write books for the older reader. She is passionate about romantic suspense and hopes her stories leave you cheering for the good guys as well as inspire those over forty to never give up on love.


C.P.  is offering up the following for grabs. Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM CST 03/24/2014.
(2) eBook copy of A Reason to Breathe (INTL)
(1) Signed copy of A Reason to Breathe (US only)
(2) $5 gift cards from either Amazon or B&N (INTL)


1.)    How did I come up with Jack and Jenn’s story? Jack was my plan B…years ago I read a book with a yummy sheriff, and I said to my young self, “If anything happened to my husband I’d move to Colorado and find a hot sheriff.” So for fifteen years Jack occupied my head space. He finally had to come out. Jenn’s story, in a sense, would have been my story to a point if I’d lost my husband….My plan B for my life.

2.)    Would I change anything if I wrote it again? That’s a great question. Honestly, the story, no, I love how it unfolded, but since it was my first book there are some little things I would have changed, or more to the point, added. Hopefully I’ll improve on those things with my next books. I’m lazy with description, I admit it. I’m a meat and potatoes reader. I want the books I read to move along and not get bogged down with the tiny details of the decorating, so I write that way as well, and not everyone appreciates simple. More than not wanted my vision for the cabin or Jack’s house, so if I were to write ARTB again I’d give them more description.

3.)    Did you use family and friends as characters? Yes, when I write I use friends and family as characters. Mandy is a great friend of mine that I met in one of my book clubs. She’s sassy and doesn’t pull any punches, tells you how it is, and that’s refreshing in this day and age. I loved her character almost as much as I love the real Mandy. Jenn is another friend of mine…she’s smart, witty, gorgeous and a great friend. Now Jack, he’s all mine. As in he’s my example of a perfect alpha male. He’d drive most women nuts, but I’d enjoy every minute of him bossing me around while I ignored every word out of his mouth.

4.)    Will my other books be based on older characters? Yes, without a doubt. I won’t write under 35 and more than likely keep upping the age. Love isn’t just for the young. When your 25 you think 40+ is old and you don’t crave things like love, sex or a first kiss from a hot guy…WRONG, so wrong. Most of my friends are 45 and up and are divorced looking for a special someone to love. And when they go out with a great guy and get that first kiss, they feel 18 again. Those stories need to be written. Older women need to have romance in their lives too. Love is not just for the young; it’s for everyone!

5.)    Who would I cast as Jack and Jenn in a movie? Well, Marco Dapper was my Jack and Jennifer Garner was my Jenn, so I’d be thrilled to see them play the roles.

6.)    What is my writing process like? I write during the day when the kids are at school, schedule permitting and characters cooperating. I don’t write on the weekends so I can spend time with my family. But, if an idea hits me, I’ve been known to excuse myself from the room and get it down. I just try to limit that since my kids are more important.

7.)    How do I get book reviews? I send out requests and pray they will answer. I had no strategy; I was familiar with a few bloggers and sent them requests. I was fortunate that some were in-between books when I reached out, and they read ARTB immediately. And as far as bad reviews are concerned, if it’s respectful critique I read them and take notes. Who knows better what they like to read than the readers themselves, and if they didn’t like something about the book I need to learn from that.

8.)    How did my writing originate?  I was going through a personal crisis and buried myself in books to heal. After years of wondering what it would be like to write a book that made someone laugh or cry, but mostly made your skin crawl from the suspense of it, I sat at my computer and wrote a simple but silly story. When I was done, I found I liked the process of creating the characters, and a writer was born. How good remains to be seen, but I’m hoping with each book I create there will be something new I learned and will continue to grow.

9.)    How did I come up with the title? Last line of the book…I wrote it and stopped, actually gasped and then said, “There’s your title.” It seemed appropriate that Jack was the one who gave it to me!

10.)  What authors have influenced my life most and how? Jane Austen without out a doubt taught me to read. She also taught me to dream and to believe in love. Darcy and Knightly are the original alpha males. How can you not read those books a think, Gideon or Christian or even Jack had nothing on these men. They saved the day; they bossed these woman around, and they showed us that real men can be all male while being gentle with the women that they love. I feel a reread of  Pride and Prejudice coming on!

11.)  Do I see writing as a career or something else? For me, writing isn’t a job, it’s something I can’t wait to do. I suppose some would call it a career choice, but those who say that aren’t writers. Writing is an experience not work, to call it anything other than a way to express your soul for others to see would be a lie.

12.)  Do I travel for my books? Not yet….but I’d love to be able to. I love meeting people and seeing new places.

13.)  What was the hardest part of writing my book? THE END…..I cried!

14.)  Biggest learning experience I’ve had since publishing? Don’t try and write anything till your new book has been out a few weeks. You can’t concentrate between the messages, reviews and the excitement. And don’t read the one star reviews, those are brutal to your confidence.

15.)  How do I keep track of details while writing? Note book….write it down and refer to it often.

16.)  What does a book need to possess to keep me interested? And element of suspense, strong female lead and a hero that doesn’t back down when he knows what he wants.

17.)  Favorite book turned movie? Sorry, ladies, it’s not a love story…Seabiscuit

18.)  Author I have met and have fangirled over? I haven’t met any authors. But I’m sure if I did meet one like Karen Rose or Kristen Ashley, tears would fall and words would be void, basically, I’d just stand there and weep! Especially if it was Kristen Ashley. I discovered her books at my lowest point and one day I laughed for ten minutes thanks to Luke Stark…Her books will always hold a special place in my heart, and Luke Stark will always be my number one hero.

19.)  Do you have anything you want to say to your readers? Absolutely! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for taking a chance on this first time author. There are a lot of fantastic books out there, so I feel privileged that you took the time and spent the money to read mine. Your reviews and messages have meant the world to me, and I’ve copied them to create a scrapbook. I hope I can live up to your expectations in my next books, and I want you to know I will strive to do my best and bring you books that are fun to read and at the same time leave you a little chilled to the bone by the creepiness factor. I know I speak for all indie authors when I say without the readers we would not exist so thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

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