Thursday, December 17, 2015

Like Arrows (Cedar Tree #6) By Freya Barker Release Blitz!!

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Like Arrows
Cedar Tree #6
By Freya Barker
Cover Designer: Margreet Assleberg
Hosted By:Francessca’s Romance Reviews

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An assignment has just turned interesting for GFI investigator Malachi Whitetail. When a shy, mousy woman walks into his local diner, it takes him a minute to recognize her as an employee of the real estate office he’s been monitoring. Not a believer in coincidence, Mal decides a closer look at the short brunette might be warranted. It will be the first, but certainly not the last time, he finds himself coming to her rescue.

Kimeo Lowe leads a pretty quiet existence, which is why, when she ends up a witness to a crime, her curiosity into her boss’s suspected shady dealings gets kicked into high gear. She may not be the most sociable of people, but she’s always been independent and industrious, so when an opportunity to dig a little deeper arises, she doesn’t think twice. It would seem that this time she’s bitten off a bit more than she can chew, and when a freakishly tall Native American Adonis intervenes not just once, she decides sleuthing may be best left to professionals. But it’s a bit too late.

Just when life has settled into a comfortable routine, Kim finds herself dealing with not just one, but two threats on her life. With every turn there are new challenges to face, and Mal is not about to let her face them alone. Not even when he turns out to be no match for her most dangerous enemy

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"I'll have a chicken salad and a glass of water, please."
Her voice is as timid as her appearance. Like a little mouse, she slipped in behind me and sat down at the furthest booth. Shocked, I tried my best not to display any reaction to her showing up here. I never expected to have one of the people I've been keeping an eye on show up at Arlene's Diner. Sure, it's popular around these parts, but given that I live in the apartment above and take most my meals here, it feels like more than a coincidence. This is why I'm keeping my back turned and my ears perked.

Arlene tags her the minute she comes out of the kitchen and is taking her order. Fucking chicken salad and water, who lives on that? I've had reason to keep her in my sights since taking on this assignment, and the woman rarely eats more than that from what I've seen. Seems to feel comfortable in the real estate office she works in, but the moment she steps out, she seems to want to disappear in the shadows. Head always low, never making eye contact and wrapping herself up in that godawful blanket thing—some kind of poncho.

It's her boss I'm really keeping track of. Gus got a call from the Ute Reservation a few weeks ago. The council had concerns about two farms backing onto reservation lands. The chief mentioned that both had sold within a month of the other through Martin Vedica, the little mouse's boss, and they had moved out within days. A third farm, owned by an older couple, was being targeted as well. The couple, Ezhno and Tiva Walker, had moved off the reservation some thirty years earlier to raise their family. They didn't go far, since their property backs right onto McElmo Creek near Finley Canyon, which is on reservation lands. In fact, it is wedged between reservation boundaries and the southern border of Canyons of the Ancients National Park.

Gus asked me to keep an eye out and I have, but with Vedica out of town since yesterday, I'd been using the time to do some online digging. So far, I have come up with little to nothing.
Keeping my eye on the stainless steel backsplash behind the counter, I can see in the reflection that her face is turned my way. It isn't busy in the diner right now, being lunchtime, but there are still a few booths occupied. Still I know they are her eyes burning in my back, and I wonder if she could possibly have spotted me before.

Kimeo Lowe. A rather exotic name for the pretty, but unassuming little thing hidden under layers of dark clothing. Soft voice, soft brown eyes, and from what I've been able to distinguish, a soft rounded body. Hardly the description for anyone associated with some kind of nefarious real estate deal, but you never know. Looks can be deceiving.

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Book Trailer
What People Are Saying
This is not going to be a very long, drawn out review but only because there are only so many ways to say how much I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK!!! Freya Barker is one of my favourite authors…ever. I adore her writing style and LIKE ARROWS is now my favourite book in her Cedar Tree series. ~ Kez Korner

After reading Like Arrows by Freya Barker I have now added a new author to my "To be read" list. Kimeo and Malachi's story sucked me in from the start. I love how she had these characters evolve in a way that brought them together as a strong couple with flaws, but who complimented and boosted each other up. ~ Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

I have read all of Freya Barker's books in the Cedar Tree series and Like Arrows was freaking amazing. The story was fast paced and easy to read. I was hooked from the first page to the last. 
~ Goodreads Review

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Meet the Author
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Author of the popular Cedar Tree series, as well as the critically acclaimed standalone “From Dust,” Freya Barker is driven to make her stories about 'real' people; with characters who are perhaps less than perfect, but just as deserving of romance, thrills and chills, and some hot, sizzling sex in their lives.

Recipient of the RomCon “Reader’s Choice” Award for best first book, “Slim To None,” Freya has hit the ground running. She loves nothing more than to meet and mingle with her readers, whether it be online or in person at one of the signings she attends. 

With her kids grown and out in the world, Freya has poured her creative energy into spinning story after story with an endless supply of bruised and dented characters, vying for attention!

Stalker Links

Other Books in the Series
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Slim To None

Hundred To One

Against Me

Clean Lines

Upper Hand

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