Monday, December 2, 2013


     British singer/songwriter sensation Rita Ora has been cast to play Christian's little sister Mia.  Rita is Albanian, born in Kosovo but moved to the UK at the age of one in West London.  Now I have to say this casting totally shocked me, I didn't NOT picture Mia like this at all.  I pictured more of a Lily Collins type in this role, but since I've never seen her act I reserve judgement until I see the movie.  It is a little odd to me to put a pop singer in a role this well known for one of her first acting roles but like I said, we will see!!!!

     With filming starting already in Vancouver it will interesting to see how Rita puts a spin on the role of Mia, because although she doesn't play a huge role in the first book, she becomes more of a character as the series continues, and if the movies go that far she will be playing more of a role.  She's 23 years old just about the same age as Mia Grey was in the books so I'm interested to see her as Christian's kid sister.  

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