Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Laura’s Review of Captivated by You (Crossfire, #4) by Sylvia Day

If you have read and enjoyed Mile High (Up in the Air, #2) by R.K. Lilley, Claim Me (Stark Trilogy, #2) by J. Kenner, and Beneath this Man (This Man, #2) by Jodi Ellen Malpas then you will LOVE this book!!!
            Gideon calls me his angel, but he's the miracle in my life. My gorgeous, wounded warrior, so determined to slay my demons while refusing to face his own.

            The vows we'd exchanged should have bound us tighter than blood and flesh. Instead they opened old wounds, exposed pain and insecurities, and lured bitter enemies out of the shadows. I felt him slipping from my grasp, my greatest fears becoming my reality, my love tested in ways I wasn't sure I was strong enough to bear.

            At the brightest time in our lives, the darkness of his past encroached and threatened everything we'd worked so hard for. We faced a terrible choice: the familiar safety of the lives we'd had before each other or the fight for a future that suddenly seemed an impossible and hopeless dream... 

What I Loved
            I couldn’t wait to jump back into Eva and Gideon and feel that passion that burns between these two once again.  I was so happy to get a little bit more Gideon in my life, and this book did not disappoint in that department.  There is plenty of naked Gideon to go around and boy oh boy was it fun to experience that all once again.  The need they feel for each other, the urge for the two of them to rip each other’s clothes off whenever they lay eyes on each other is palpable in this story and it never lessens as the story goes on.

            I really liked the different point of views in this story, it definitely answered a lot of questions that first three books didn’t because we know what’s going on in Gideon’s world.  Each chapter switches from one person to the other so you get plenty of his point of view which I absolutely loved.  You do finally find out why Gideon use to prefer brunettes and just what haunts him while he sleeps.  It made Gideon less mysterious and out of reach than the first three books, at the same time making him more appealing and real because now we know how Gideon spends most of his time while he’s away from Evan instead of guessing.   It was so much fun getting into Gideon’s head and solving some mysteries that have alluded us up until this point. 

Not So Much
         As much as I love Gideon and Eva and was so excited to jump back into their love story, this book annoyed me a little.  I definitely felt like the overall plot is now being stretched way too much and this story was more of a filler than anything else.  There is no real progression in many of the plots that were left unanswered in Entwined with You.  Nothing has been solved as far as the outside drama, and the people trying to rip them apart, this book was basically filled with the two of them screwing each other to oblivion. 

            Plus things about half way through the book started to feel repetitive and it made me impatient and just wants to finish the story.  I get Gideon is a god, he is hot, he is beautiful, everyone woman on earth wants him naked and on top of them but enough is enough! I don’t need to hear how amazing he is on almost every single page! I didn’t need the constant analogies to how beautiful this man is, and how much they want each other.  The chemistry between them leads to amazing sex scenes, some of the best I read but it was just too much after a while.

To Sum It All Up
            If you love Gideon and Eva then you will definitely enjoy this story, but if you are looking forward to issues being solved from the past three books then you are not going to be happy.  There was so much drama at every corner for these two that it became a little annoying and just too much.  It would’ve been great to have at least one chapter where they are just happy with each other, and watch them settle into married life but that doesn’t happen.  There is real progress towards the end of the story, which makes me look forward to reading One with You, but I do hope it’s the last in this series.  Too much of a good thing, can become tired and annoying so I hope the story progresses in the next one better than in this one.  The chemistry between these two is unmatched from any other book I’ve read, I can almost feel the need they have for each other it’s so strong, and it leads to some pretty incredible sex scenes that I thoroughly enjoyed.  

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