Thursday, March 27, 2014

Kari's Review of Until Lilly (Until #3) by Aurora Rose Reynolds

My Summary:
Cash Mayson and Lilly Donovan have history.  Like any ex-relationship there was secrets and it tore them apart.  Cash loved Lilly and knew he had found his “Boom” or the one. Having to choose between his child and the love of his life, Cash chose his child. They were both left broken and incomplete.  
Lilly was forced to move on and be a single mother.  She was under one assumption.  Cash was a complete and total jerk for the way he ended things. Lilly was determined to make it on her own and prove just how strong of a woman she was and raise her daughter. 
An encounter years later leaves Cash and Lilly face to face with their new reality and the opportunity to love each other once again. 

What I loved:
I adore the Mayson brothers.  They are hard on the outside but all gooey and melty inside, especially when it comes to their women and children. When one is in need, they all meet and talk it out.  Cash was not your typical guy. He was admirable for stepping up and taking care of his son, Jax, even if it meant marrying a woman he couldn’t stand.  He was also not dumb.  One look at Ashlyn at the trampoline playground where he sees Lilly with a little girl, he knows that Ashlyn is his daughter.  Immediately he vows that Lilly and Ashlyn will be his forever despite the antics his batshit crazy ex-wife throws their way to try and ruin the relationship again.  

What I didn’t love:
I am a sucker for an epilogue.  I mean I really really am and look forward to it in almost every story.  However, the epilogue in Until Lilly just made me mad.  I know I will probably get some back lash for this but that is why this is only a 4 star read for me.  I didn’t want it to be so far in the future.  I understand completely that not everyone needs marriage and additional children, but I really really needed it here.  Ugh I know I just let a spoiler go and I am sorry.  

The story was a great second chance romance.  It wasn't just a quick return to each other which gave the story substance.  I loved the relationships between them all, and every dynamic.  I know I was a bit harsh about the epilogue but I will say this.  If Aurora Rose Reynolds was setting us up for a possible spin off or another series, bravo lady.  Well played miss, well played. 

Favorite lines/quotes:
“Our daughter grew inside of you.  I loved your body before, and I love it even more now.” ~ Cash

“Experience is the hardest kind of teacher.  It gives you the test first, and the lesson afterward.”~ Cash’s tattoo

"Why can’t I hate you?” ~Lilly
"Because I am your one too.” ~ Cash

“I wanna sit with daddy.”~Ashlyn

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