Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Laura’s Review of Beauty from Love (Beauty, #3) by Georgia Cates

If you read and enjoyed Fifty Shades Darker (Fifty Shades, #3) by E.L. James, Eyes Wide Open (The Blackstone Affair, #3) by Raine Miller, and Entwined in You (Crossfire, #3) by Sylvia Day then you will LOVE this book!

Basic Summary
              This epic romance between an all-American beauty and her Aussie continues in this final installment of The Beauty Series.

                Jack McLachlan is fulfilled by more than he dared to dream possible.  He finds everything he never knew he wanted—or needed—in Laurelyn Prescott, his last and final companion.  Life is beautiful with his beloved by his side but their post-wedded bliss cut short when his dark past spring sin their present happiness.  He wants to shelter Laurelyn but keeping her untainted by his previous life proves impossible when yesterday’s sins insist on returning to haunt him.   Will it be possible for them to find happiness in their forever with a past like his?

                Beauty from Love is an adult contemporary novel and is not intended for younger readers due to mature content.

First Impressions
                I am so happy that Jack Henry and Laurelyn have finally got their shit together and are married!! Yay!  The beginning of the book begins with the start of their honeymoon and of course that means tons of hot sex scenes!  Of course that is an automatic plus in my book!  Their honeymoon is Maui at the house that Jack Henry has bought for them to vacation at and it really makes me miss Hawaii so much.  I have family there and wish I could go there more often especially right about now since it is the middle of winter here in New Jersey.  I love that they went to a Luau and are so cute and cuddly with each other, I just hope the entire rest of this book isn’t all hearts and roses.  I need some drama!

                My one big complaint so far is that I get that this is the last installment of this series but I read the last book a while ago and if someone just picked up with this book they would have no clue what these characters look like.  There needs to be some description of them because I can’t remember what they look from the previous books. 

What I Loved
           Great end to this trilogy, Jack Henry and Laurelyn are two of my favorite characters and it was great to watch them continue on their journey together.  There were definitely a couple surprises in this story which I like when that happens so that’s a definite plus.  I liked that we kind of caught a glimpse into their happily ever after, in this book you really get to see them settled in their marriage rather than fighting to stay together like the other books.   Jack Henry is one hot man, and all the romantic things he does for Laurelyn just make you love him even more.   

                I like that the chapters alternated between Jack Henry and Laurelyn because if gives you the opportunity to get in both of their heads.  I really like when that happens because it makes the story more well-rounded and complete.  It was great to see both points of view because you got see how both of them were struggling at times not just one, giving me the opportunity to get more emotionally involved in the story. 

                The character development in this series is really amazing especially when it comes to Jack Henry in his complete turnaround as far as his lifestyle and priorities.  You can really see how much Jack loves Laurelyn in this story, the love they have for each other just pours out of the pages and into your heart.    There are definitely a lot of touching moments in this book, along with laughing moments, and nervous moments.  I’m pretty sure at a certain point I was tearing up a little bit towards the end. 

Not So Much
                One big complaint for me is that this book didn't seem as organized as the others.  There were a lot of different story lines going on at the same time and there wasn't really any follow up then at all.  Towards the beginning of the book one of Jack’s ex-girlfriends tries to stir up trouble, but it’s just kind of a random scene because you never see or hear from her again.  I feel like to make a character like that there needed to be more follow up.  It didn't make sense to me that she just kind of walked away and never bothered Jack again so that wasn't completely consistent. 

                I also felt like the pace was a little too fast, it skipped over a lot of time period and I get why it did that because it would've made the story boring but I felt like it skipped over time a little bit too much.  Especially with a lot of story lines in play there should’ve been more detail in those plots because I feel like they were kind of just brushed away and not fully addressed.

            Great ending to this trilogy, I totally feel like I got the closure I needed with these two characters.  I love Laurelyn and Jack Henry together, and I the sex scenes were nothing less than sizzling.  They are hot apart but together they are explosive!  There were definitely times this book had me a little bit frazzled and nervous not knowing what was going to happen next.  There is a lot going in this story and it keeps the reader on their toes.   This book started right where Beauty from Surrender (Beauty, #2) ends and I liked that there wasn't a lapse in time because I was excited to read about their honeymoon.

                There are a lot of different story lines in this book and they kind of keep coming at you and because I didn't feel like the book was that organized and seem kind of scattered to me. I would've liked to maybe cut away one of those plots and maybe add onto a plot that was already mentioned.  I wish that there were more details in this book when it came to their surroundings.  In the first part of the book they step into their house in Maui and all I know is that the kitchen, living room, and dining room are open plan, I was expecting there to be more detail there especially when there was so much detail about the bathroom. 

                I really enjoyed the epilogue because it zooms about two years into the future so get to see more of their marriage and their family.  They do mention what is going on with some of the supporting characters and I really appreciated that, it tied up those loose ends pretty nicely.  

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