Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Laura’s Review of The Arrangement 13: The Ferro Family (The Arrangement, #13) by H.M. Ward

This story unfolds over multiple volumes approximately 125 pages each.

Basic Summary
            Dark. Sexy. Epic.  ‘I can’t lose her.’  Those are the words that haunt me, the phrase that repeats in an endless loop in my mind.  Images from my past collide with the present until I can no longer tell them apart.  I try to hold onto what’s read—hold onto her—Avery, but death is looming and it seems that no matter what I do, I can’t save her. 

          Get a glimpse into Sean Ferro’s mind in this volume.  The first two chapters are told in his point-of-view.

“Avery’s become my air, sunlight, and darkness—everything I need.  Life without her would be unimaginable.”

What I Loved
                I am beginning to think that H.M. Ward is an evil genius!  The cliffhangers at the end of each of these stories kill me each and every time!  This one though kind of gutted me because it’s the first one where I actually start to question one of the main characters.  It also makes me feel stupid because may I should have been questioning this person the whole time. 

          I have always kind of felt that there are things going on around Avery that she doesn't quite seem to understand, but everyone else does and this short story has definitely confirmed that feeling for me.  I won’t give anything away but this story has definitely left me feeling very anxious and I just want to find out what the hell is going on!!!!!!! 

          I loved that this one had Sean’s point of view in the first two chapters it’s nice to finally get a glimpse into his head about how he feels about Avery.  It’s a new twist on this series which could use something different, nothing has become boring but this is story number thirteen it’s nice to throw something new in there.  

Not So Much
                I absolutely loved the fact that this story started off with Sean’s point of view, but I would've really loved more of his point of view.  It would be great if every other chapter or so switched points of view so we can could get more of a well-rounded story and maybe finally get some answers.  I like that the last story kind of took a different route, and I like how this brought that back around, but I’m kind of getting sick of Ms. Black.  There is so much going on in this story and so many different plots that there needs to be some trimming.  I kind of feel like Sean Ferro have enough money and power to shut Ms. Black up permanently and not have her hanging over Avery’s head anymore and there has been no move to really just get rid of her.  After a while all these different secrets and plots kind of become scattered and unorganized and not getting answers becomes less intriguing and more annoying and I’m almost getting there. 


             Okay after reading this, I freaking NEED The Arrangement 14 and I need it now!  I don’t care if I sound like a child stomping their feet, I will stomp away!   The ending of this one has left me knots, I want some answers dammit.  Although this is a short story it’s totally packed with some hot sex scenes and I thank H.M. Ward for that very much.  I really like Avery even if she is a little naïve when it comes to Sean and Ms. Black.  I love that you really don’t know who to trust anymore in this story and there seems to be a surprise around every corner.  I love that about this series but I'm at the point where I would like some answers!!!! 


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