Sunday, December 15, 2013

Laura’s Review of The Arrangement 12: The Ferro Family (The Arrangement, #12) by H.M. Ward

Basic Summary: There is so much blood I can’ think.  The night goes from bliss to chaos in a matter of moments.  As the truth begins to unravel, it’s clear that I can’t trust anyone, except Sean Ferro.  The same man that threatens to destroy me could also be my salvation—and I could be his.

What I Love About This Book:  I’m happy we get some answers in this story that was left out because of the cliff hanger in The Arrangement 11.  I like the fact that there is more Sean and Avery together in this story unlike the other ones where Sean disappears or Avery is in college and all that other crap.  I like the fact that there was no point in this story where Avery is determined to break up with him and never see him again because that was getting very tiring and annoying.  I like the way this one ended, and I like the fact that the story is taking a new direction and we can move on from all this will he stay with her or won’t he stay with her stuff. 

Cons:  The way the characters were acting after someone was murdered was very odd to me.  That entire scenario where Avery and Mel were waiting on at the strip club was so weird to me.  I’m sorry but if I thought my best friend murdered somebody I wouldn't wait for my fiancé to come to get an explanation.  Also I don’t think I would casually talk with them either, that entire scene was just completely disjointed from reality that I really started to hate this story.  I get there is drama going on with John Ferro but someone is freaking dead!  All discussion about owning a strip club would take a backseat to a freaking murder!!!! Then Sean just takes Avery away without even saying goodbye to Mel, to just leave her there and say, yeah so she killed someone but she knows what to do now let’s go. That was just the stupidest thing I have ever read!!!!!!

Overall: I like that H.M. Ward is taking a turn in this story and we are going in a different direction finally because the constant back and forth with Avery and Sean was very tiring and annoying after a while.  But now that the story is going with this new mystery it means that these short stories aren’t ending anytime soon, when they should be done by now.  Either make the stories longer than 70 pages by consolidating them together or hurry up and give us a conclusion.  You don’t want people to get sick of characters and with multiple short stories like this it will eventually happen. As opposed to when there are trilogies you get longer plotlines so the stopping and waiting for the next book isn’t as bothersome as a constant stopping and going almost as if we’re  stuck in rush hour traffic.  I feel like every story only moves us two feet ahead not really developing the plot or the characters the way they should be.

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