Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Laura’s Review of Unattainable (Undeniable, #3) by Madeline Sheehan

If you love Creed by Kristen Ashley, Convicted by Aleatha Romig, and Reaper’s Property by Joanna Wylde then you will love this book!!!!!

“From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born.”

Basic Summary:  A story born in childhood, tying one girl to one boy, leads to a destructive path—that hurts more than it doesn’t, that shatters more than it heals—testing the love that binds the two through a lifetime.

                Tegan Matthews is the daughter of Dorothy Kelley, a club whore in Hell’s Horsemen.  A plain little girl, Tegan falls into the gritty world of the motorcycle club.  When she meets a sweet, caring boy, she embraces the warmth and affection he shows her.  Case West is the son of the president of the Hell’s Horsemen.  Tall and blonde with deep brown eyes, as he grows up Cage realizes the power of his dimpled smile and smooth drawl.  With once chance encounter, Tegen becomes forever tied to Cage.  Following is a wayward journey that is filled with regrets, mistakes, and heartache, pulling at the threads that hold them together.  Cage and Tegan fight hard but love harder, and in the end what matters is where the journey takes one girl and one boy, who have been twinted together with one another since the beginning.

This is Tegan’s and Cage’s story.  Love doesn’t erase a broken heart, and it sure doesn’t change people.  But no matter how old, how flimsy, how frayed the rose of love is, it keeps you tethered to the people you love. 

What I Love About This Book: This series is probably one of the darkest series I have ever read other than Captive in the Dark.  Madeline Sheehan manages to capture the darkest sides of humanity in her characters but at the same time playing with your mind enough that you can’t completely hate them and you can’t completely love them.   This is the third book in this series and before you even begin to open up to page one, you have to be able to handle depravity, stupidity, and love all at the same time. 

This books opens up to a young girl’s story of losing her virginity to the boy of her dreams only to have her heartbroken to smithereens.  Every girl out there can relate to Tegan in some way, shape, or form.  We have all had our hearts broken by assholes, and I don’t many people who have a wonderful losing their virginity story.  I think this kind of sad part of Tegan makes her a very sympathetic character, and it makes you instantly latch onto her.  You kind of get a bit of her attitude in Unbeautifully (Book2) and even though she might seem like a total bitch, no one can really blame her for that considering all she’s been through.  You immediately applaud her for making it out of Montana and away from the Hell’s Horsemen motorcycle club but as you read you realize that the MC is always with whether she’s in Montana or not.

There is so much rage built up in Tegan and she is a person who acts then thinks later on, maybe
regretting her actions but it’s like she doesn't know another way to live.  Cage like Tegan has a lot of anger built up inside of him, trying to find his place in the MC.  His father never approves of him, he isn’t let in on a lot of the dirty business that goes on in the club and isn’t sure where he really stands with his father as the President of the MC.  You see his dedication to his brothers and to the club as a whole, this kind of life is in his blood and all he really wants is for his own father to stop ragging on him constantly and actually approve of his choices.  Cage grew up in a dysfunctional family with no real support system and as a child he grew up quickly taking care of his sister Danny when their parents couldn't then doing it again for his youngest sister Ivy when once again his father couldn't step up and do it himself.  To me, he just needs to be supported in some way, instead of being the one doing the supporting.  He needs a woman to hold him up when he needs it, and be by his side through life and is just so lonely because he hasn't found that yet.  Without that kind of relationship in his life he is kind of just floating around with no real grounding and purpose to his life.

“The older I grew, the more I grew to love him until I no longer looked to him as the one stable figurehead in my life, but instead loved him with an intensity that at times bordered on madness.”

Tegan and Cage are just so crazy together, they are like two sparks that come together and create a huge fire.  There is just tons of yelling between them, so much so I’m surprised Tegan has a voice after a while because if that was me, all that yelling would mean no voice for a couple of days.  Cage is so obviously in love with her he doesn't know what to do with himself, and there is so much anger between them that it just explodes when they come together.  Their first sex scene was definitely combustible and border line physically dangerous and it just got hotter from there!

There are so many times while reading this book that I felt like someone had ripped my heart out and stomped on it over and over again.  This story is so bitter and raw it’s terrifying.  A couple times I was reading and Deuce would be screaming at Cage and I swear I felt like I could really hear his voice in my ear, I would look away from the book and the silence would come back and I would realize just how into the story I was. 

On top of Tegan and Cage’s story, Dirty and Ellie’s relationship played out throughout the plot as well.  Dirty being another character I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% on way or the other about.  He’s so twisted and messed up in this story, and so damaged and broken that you love him but are repulsed by at the same time.  He’s Ellie’s hero but so many other people’s devil that it’s hard to completely love him.  He’s vulnerable and weak because of past abuses done to him a

“No matter how old, how flimsy, how frayed the rope of love is, it does keep you tethered to the people you love.  And I was forever tied to Cage.”

Cons:  There wasn't a ton of details in this book, when Cage finally gets to Tegan to his house, you get no real description of his house and I know this is the third book in this series but there was no description of the club house as well.  I feel like there was more background information on Deuce and Eva’s house than any other place in the entire book.  I would've like more detail of what Cage’s house is like, what kind of life has he built for himself before Tegan came along and I didn't get any of that.  To me houses that important characters live in so significant because it can represent so much of what this person’s life has been like.  I can picture Cage’s place being very sparse and not really decorated at all because of the fact that he’s a bachelor who isn't concerned with outward appearances, travels often, and has the option of sleeping at the club house whenever he wants.  The same goes for Dirty, you get what his place was like, but there wasn't a lot of detail and it would've been interesting to see how his lifestyle has created his home.  You get from Ellie that his place unlike him is a very clean, but that’s really about it, what kind of furniture does he have, does he have a TV, what is the layout?  All those little things are important to character development for me and it would've made me attach more emotionally onto these characters. 

“She was family, she was his best friend, and just like he’d take a bullet for his sisters, for his brothers, even for his old man, he knew in that moment, staring down at her, he’d take one for Tegan too.”

Overall:  This series just rips you apart and tears at your soul.  It’s so dark and gritty it shows all the dark sides of human beings  but shows all the love people have to offer at the same time.  In Unattainable there is no grey area for these characters it’s just black and white.  Every experience is extreme, whether that is full of love and life or blood and abuse.  Cage and Tegan can’t seem to live without each other; they just existed in some sort of personal hell without one another.  There were so many times I wanted to scream at Cage or Tegan to go to each other, to stop this miserable cycle they were stuck in because I was so wrapped up in the story. 

Madeline Sheehan has managed to create a world full of dark, disgusting, abusive, violent men but who are capable of so much love, so much support that you just can’t completely hate them.  Deuce really pissed me off in this book, which is weird because I really loved him in book one but he was a total asshole in this one.  I liked that Ripper and Danny were prominent for good chunks of this story as well, it’s nice to see their happily ever after continue on, as well as Deuce and Eva’s.  

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