Monday, October 7, 2013

Lauren's Review of Carter Reed by Tijan

Summary: Emma decided to skip the gym and went home early. It was the last easy decision she made because she found her roommate being raped by the boyfriend. She had two choices. Call the cops and be killed by his family’s mafia connections or kill him first and hope to survive. There was no choice to her. She killed the bastard first and went to the one person who could protect her. Carter Reed. He’s a weapon for the rivaling mafia family, but he’s also Emma’s secret. Not only was he best friends with her brother, but she’s the reason he became that weapon in the first place.

Rating: 3.5 Stars

What I Loved:  The heart wrenching, can't wait to turn the page to see what happens next moments in this book.  This was the first book in a while where I was not in love with the female lead but more with the male. Carter Reed stole the story for me.  Ugh! "I would declare war for you!" Yes, you can just keep coming back alive baby! I love the backstory of how he has always been there to protect her and watching out for her. 

Cons: I wanted bigger scenes and more sex! Come on! You can't get more alpha than a head mobster, cold killer.  The chemistry between the two was there and you could feel it. However, I felt there was so much potential for amazing scenes considering we are dealing with the mafia here.  I kept reading with anticipation for more and was let down.  I felt like the author kept bringing me close to climaxing and then just stopped.

Hot Scenes: See above...I'm still waiting...

Next Book: Own the Wind by Kristen Ashley...moving from mobster and mafia to motorcycles and clubs.

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