Sunday, October 6, 2013

Laura’s Review of One Night with a Hero (The Hero#2) by Laura Kaye

If you like Heavy Issues by Elle Aycart, Wrong Bed Right Guy by Katee Robert, and Nightfire by Lisa Marie Rice, then you’re really going to love this book! 

Basic Summary:  He wants just one night…  After growing up with an abusive, alcoholic father, Army Special Forces Sgt. Brady Scott vowed never to marry or have kids.  Sent stateside to his head on straight—and his anger in check—Brady’s looking for a distraction.  He finds it in his beautiful new neighbor’s one-night-only offer for hot sex, but her ability to make him forget is addictive.  Suddenly, Brady’s not so sure he can stay away.

…what they need is each other.

Orphan as a child, community center director Joss Daniels swore she’d never put herself in a position to be left behind again, but she can’t deny herself one sizzling night with the sexy solider who makes her laugh and kisses her senseless.  When Joss discovers she’s pregnant, Brady’s rejection leaves her feeling abandoned.  Now, they must overcome their fears before they love the love and security they’ve found in each other, but can they let go of the past to create a future together?

What I Love About This Book:  It was a very easy light kind of a read.  It wasn't dark, it wasn't crazy, and it was just a great book to read on a slow weekend.  The characters in the book are easy to care about.

            Joss Daniels in the very beginning captures your heart and she has this great line in the very beginning after she runs into her ex-boyfriend and his new pregnant fiance  “It would be really nice if, just once, someone wanted to keep her.”  That really got to me when I read that line and I instantly loved Joss.  She had a very difficult childhood, and unlike Brady Scott has learned to pay it forward and take care of kids in need.  Brady Scott takes your heart away because he just hates himself so much even though he protected his sister when she was little; put her first until she graduated High School, saved his best friend Marco in the army, and goes out of his way for complete strangers.  Its love at first sight between the two of them it is what sweeps you into their relationship and their love.  Even if circumstances do suck and Brady acts like an asshole in parts of the book it’s a great read leaving you wanting more. 

            The scenes have just enough detail to keep you reading, and if you have read my other reviews you know how important details are to me so that’s a big thing.  You immediately understand Joss and her style right away from the very first description of her, and the same goes for Brady. 

Cons:  I really don’t have much to say.  It’s a great book and an easy read, but if you’re looking for something really deep and a huge roller coaster ride than this book isn't for you.  It’s very obvious that this is a happily ever after book, and you get just that.  Not too many surprises or jaw dropping moments.  There is one scene where you will probably want to slap Brady across the face though!

Overall:  Great book, easy read, very sexy at times.  My heart went out to Brady a couple times and I really enjoyed Joss Daniels as a strong leading lady in this story.  

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