Saturday, October 5, 2013

Laura’s Review of Leave Me Breathless (Ross Siblings #3) by Cherrie Lynn

If you Rock The Heart by Michelle A. Valentine, Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, and Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye, then you will love this book!!!

Basic Summary:  It’s Valentine’s Day, but Macy Rodgers isn't feeling the love. Aside from the torrid, one-night fling in a backseat a few months back, her love life has been sorely lacking, but fortunately she has devious friends who feel like playing Cupid.  Wouldn't they shocked to learn that the match they've  made for her is the same one that steamed up the back of the ’69 GTO…

Seth “Ghost” Warren has just returned to town after an extended absence.  Between his grandmother’s failing health, his job as a tattoo artist, his band’s gig, and a crazy ex that won’t leave him alone, he’s stretched thin.  Cautious cowgirl Macy is the last thing he needs thrown into the mix. 

She’s all country, he’s all heavy metal—and Macy knows that if anyone can propel her out of her rut, it’s Seth.  But when their worlds collide, it’s anyone guess if they’ll survive with their hearts intact. 

Warning:  Contains explicit sex, graphic language, road trips, troublemaking exes, emotional baggage, and an unconventional but exceptionally hot here tatted and pierced for you pleasure….

What I Love About This Book:  There probably isn't much I don’t love about this book.  I have totally fallen in with the Cherrie Lynn as an author and this series in particular.  It’s awesome, and each and every story is somewhat similar but very different all at the same
time.  I think out of three books in the series so far I love this one the most.  I think it’s because Seth “Ghost” Warren is the most likable for me, he isn't just some asshole that comes along and steals Mace\y’s heart he’s complex and quite lovable.  He isn't just dealing with his grandmother’s health, but he has a lot of demons built up deep down inside of him and it just breaks your heart for him.  You want to be that person that hugs him and tells him everything will be okay, and just try and heal him because when it comes to life has definitely had the shit end of the stick.

     Macy Rodgers is a great protagonist because she’s a strong female lead, who is being held back by fear and seems very locked in her ways at first.  When I read Rock Me and was first introduced to Macy I did not like her at all, she acted like she had stick up her ass, but by the end of Leave Me Breathless I was there rooting for her.  She is a woman is set in her ways and doesn't see the point in changing, until she gets knocked on her ass by Seth and he shows her that there is more to life then living in fear of the unpredictable. 

The story is filled with very hot steamy and sex scenes that you can’t get enough of, right off that bat there is a pretty hot scene that instantly hooks you into this wonderful love story.  This love story takes you through some very sad moments and so very happy moments, and when Macy’s heart breaks so does yours, and when Seth is suffering , so you are; it’s just that good!

Cons:  I really don’t have any.  I guess my one con would be that what I love most about some books is the epilogues zoom you into the future so you see some of the happily ever after and these books don’t really do that.  But that’s what to the author not me and epilogues like that aren't for everyone so I get it.  I just love these characters so much I want to see what the future brings for them. 

            Also as much I love this story line, the entire series kind of follows the same plot.  Guy meets and seduces girl, realizes he loves her, she realizes she loves him, he acts like an asshole, they break up and then weeks later get back together.  Although each story is very different from one another, it would be nice to mix up the sequence of events just a little.

Overall:  Love this book, love this series, can’t get enough of Cherrie Lynn!! She has managed to create compelling characters, awesome story lines, with just enough detail that leaves you wanting more.  This book was a definite page turner there were a lot of twists that I didn't see coming in this book, and the ending was great!  

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