Sunday, September 22, 2013

Laura’s Review of Making the Cut (Saving Dallas #2) by Kim Jones

If you loved Motorcycle Man, Reaper’s Property, Raid & Creed then you will love this series as well!!

Basic Summary:  A continuation of Dallas Knox and Luke Carmical’s love story.  Dallas coming from a life of privilege and tragedy is swept of her feet by Luke Carmical the President of the Devil’s Renegade MC only to find out he betrayed her and the mystery of why her mother was murdered many years ago.  This book takes you on more of journey through Dallas’ struggle to be the ol’ Lady that Luke deserves and Luke following through with promises he has made to Dallas and to club. 

What I Love About This Book:   There is not one dull moment in the book; it had me up till almost three in the morning reading because I just couldn’t put it down.  Dallas Knox is a great female leading character because she has balls!  BIG ONES!!! There are points in this book I was scared for her life when Luke was so mad at her but she stood her ground and didn’t let anyone push her around.  The only real insecurity she had was if she could keep her attitude in check long enough to act like a proper ol’ lady for Luke.  She is hot and sexy and not only do the other characters know it but so does she.   She is far from whiny and she knows she can bring a lot to the table when it comes to relationships.

                Luke at points in this book pissed me off so much I wanted through my kindle across the room!  I won’t give anything away because I don’t want to spoil anything but at certain point I would’ve kicked him in the balls if I was Dallas.  That’s how much he pisses me off.  Towards the end of the book he has a lot of hard decisions to make and your heart just breaks for him and the predicament him and Dallas find themselves in.  He is strong, hot, built, and did I mention hot? 

                Like I said I loved this book from beginning till end, and I can’t get enough of it.  The minute the book starts it sucks you right back into this world immediately and doesn’t let go. I have major book hangover right now.  The sex scenes are out of this world unbelievable, the details in this book are just right.  I didn’t feel like Kim Jones skimped on anything.  I felt like she added detail when there needed to be and pulled back when it was appropriate and that is a sign of a good author.  I can’t wait to see what other stories she comes out with and I cannot wait for Saving Dallas Forever!!!!!!

Cons:  I feel like the whole story line of what Dallas knows about her father was left much unanswered.  I feel like that was probably done on purpose in some aspects.  Dallas says at a certain point she needs to talk to Mayor Kirkley but that never really happens and it’s not quite talked about again.  Like I said though I feel like this may be on purpose and addressed in Saving Dallas Forever so we will see. 

Overall:  LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! That is how much I love this book.  It is a bitter sweet tale, and there are parts that I almost wanted to cry it was so heart wrenching.  I love how Dallas has her shit together for the most part, and I love that monologue she gives when speaking to Charlie about her value at one point in the book.  I literally punched the air when she was done.  LOVED IT!!!!! 

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