Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Laura’s Review of Axel (Corps Security #1) by Harper Sloan

If you liked Bad Things, Saving Dallas, and Kristen Ashley book you will love this book!!!!!!

Basic Summary:  Izzy has had a lot of loss in her life since He walked out of it.  Things never seem to go her way, and every time she tries to pick herself up fate comes along and kicks her down again.  A couple years after escaping an abusive husband and has built a solid group of friends in her life fate shows up and knocks her down again.  Axel spent years looking Izzy after he got out of boot camp, only to find her four years later married.  Twelve years after he walked out of Izzy's life he finds a fragile shell of woman scared to death of her own shadow.  Through all this he knows his old Izzy is in there and is determined to find that fire and spark that used to be in her eyes. 

What I love About This Book:  I love unique beginnings to books that hook you into the storyline from the first sentence.  This book does this to the tenth degree!!! The prologue is challenging to read at best, heart wrenching at worst.  You immediately get hooked into the story and are truly scared for a character’s life you barely know. 
          I give props to authors that know how to suck you in and do it in a different way than most.  Very clearly this book isn’t just a love story.  It’s bitter sweet tragic story that grips your heart immediately and doesn’t let go till the very last word. 
          The scenes in the book are real, and raw and realistic.  I didn’t feel like the character’s conversations were robotic at all and flowed from person to person.  The details in the book were perfect; I could picture the look of Izzy perfectly along with Dee, Greg, and Axel.  Nothing was left out where it should be in and there were scenes I felt were bogged down in too much detail.  Harper Sloan did an amazing job on not just presenting us these wonderful characters, but really creating the environments around the characters as well.  When we see Dee and Izzy living in a town I can see the town house perfectly in my imagination, when Axel drives Izzy up to his house for the first time I can totally picture his massive house in my head. 
          Izzy West is a lovable character that you just want to save and protect forever while reading this book.  Being a victim of domestic violence myself the depiction of her actions and reactions throughout the book are dead on that very much grounds this character.  She is to imagine and easy to relate to, and you automatically sympathize with all the loss in her life. 
          Holt Axel Reid is the same way too, although he is supposed to be this hot huge hunk of a man, his bitter sweet story is something for any romantic read to latch on to.  He is angry for half the book and all you want to do is comfort him.  Their story is very bittersweet and I love stories that are all just hearts and roses there is some sadness that might always be there but it’s what makes the endings of these kinds of stories all the more sweeter. 

Cons:  After a while Izzy’s put your head in the sand attitude became a LITTLE annoying.  Not by much, but by the time she was getting her nipple’s pierced I wanted to throw my iPad mini across the room then walk into this book and slap her across the face and yell “Snap Out Of It!”.  It was just a little bit too much for me.  It’s not that I don’t get it, but come on if you really want to get over something as horrible as she you face the music and move on.  You can’t move on until you deal with your issues, trust me I know!!!!
          Her constantly saying I’m fine, I’m happy, I’m moving on over and over was a little too much as well.  Trust me, if you can’t stand when someone calls you by your full name and you respond by curling up in a ball and crying then darling you are not happy, you are not moving on, and you are not fine!   I get that was the point of her constantly telling this to herself over and over again but the like I said before the denial was just a little too much towards a certain point.

Overall: I love, love, love this book!!! From beginning to end this book is amazeballs!!! The sex scenes are awesome, the story line is unbelievable, and it had me on my toes the entire time!!!!! I couldn’t put this book down and read it in less than 2 days.

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