Thursday, October 2, 2014

Brand New For the Record Teaser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brand New For the Record Teaser!

With Congressman Brady Maxwell up for reelection and journalist Liz Dougherty about to graduate into a promising career, the ambitious couple’s future is brighter than ever. They share a passion for their work…and for each other. But when Brady holds a press conference to officially introduce Liz as his girlfriend, reporters hungry for a scandal bombard her. Now, her every move is under a vicious magnifying glass, and her life feels like it’s falling apart.

On the road to reelection, the passionate bond between the congressman and the journalist gets tested at every stop. Threatened by shameless media sensationalism and jealous exes, Brady and Liz now have to learn to trust each other despite what they read in the papers.

In the finale to USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde’s sexy Record trilogy, Liz and Brady may be setting off fireworks along the campaign trail, but can their love transcend politics as usual?

Meet K.A. Linde

K.A. Linde is the USA Today bestselling author of the Avoiding series, Off the Record,and Following Me.  As a military brat, she traveled the world with her family, imaginary friends, and ever-increasing supply of books.  She has spent much of her life dreaming up new worlds and characters and forcing them into awkward, usually life-threatening scenarios.

After graduating from the University of Georgia with a masters degree in political science, she began spending every waking hour putting those characters onto paper.  When not writing, she spends her time dancing, collecting paperbacks in the hopes of filling a Beauty and the Beast style library one day, traveling, bargain shopping, playing with her puppies, and still reading anything she can get her hands on.

She currently resides in Georgia with her boyfriend and two puppies, Lucy and Riker, where she is hard at work on her next novel.  

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