Thursday, October 2, 2014

Author Spotlight: Dark Angel by CJ Heath

Dark Angel by CJ Heath


Rachael is the Dark Angel. Murdered unjustly over six centuries ago in the purges that swept the land to destroy withcraft, she found herself denied Heaven. 
Considered too good for her soul to be damned in Hell but not pure enough to enter Heaven, St Peter releases her soul to the void. She is commanded to use her spirit to engender acts of kindness for her salvation, should she use the small power she has to do ill, she shall be claimed by the demons. 
The Dark Angel has no wish for games and for the first time, a lost soul manages to create a form for herself. She walks the streets of London, indifferent to the battle between Good and Evil, she has no desire to claim a side. 
While the Angels of the Host sustain their powers through humanities positive emotions and the Angels of Hell feed on man's despair, Rachael feeds on the passions engendered through love. 
Now comes a time when she can longer sit by. Now comes the time that she must choose to make a stand. Can one spirit make a difference? Will one spirit choose to allow any being to have dominion over her wild nature? Only she can make difference, if she feels she has reason to. 

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Her Name is James


When James Farrow's father decided he wouldn't have his 15 year old son under his roof any more, the boy was taken into care. Now James is 18 and is no longer the responsibility of Social Services. He returns home to an uncertain reception. 

His volatile father has mellowed over time but his son seems intent to challenge his restraint. In the three years apart, James has taken the first steps toward the future he wants. He wants to make the transition to being the girl he wishes he had been born as. 

With a defiant brother and a vicious former friend opposing him, James resumes a relationship with Tina, his friend since they were small and she is the only support he feels he can rely on. 
When Tina declares her love for James, he is thrown into greater confusion and realizes he has feelings for her.

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About the Author
Living in England on the Hampshire / Surrey border, CJ is a married father of three grown sons and has written for pleasure for more decades than he cares to admit. Growing up on an old fashioned country estate, he would often be found among the trees of a nearby wood with a book for company. After receiving a generous payment to leave the Ministry of Defence in one of the rounds of Government budget economies, he turned his attention to writing with an aim to publish. His first work ‘Her Name is James’ still rests on a decision from a publisher and Dark Angel is the second complete work but the first to be published. Dark Angel is the first of three stories and though he wants to return to what he terms as “rip ya heart out” stories that are character driven, he is firmly focused on completing his current trilogy first. CJ is acquiring a following for erotic poetry but his first passion is as a storyteller. 

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