Friday, April 11, 2014

Laura’s Review of Uncaged (Corps Security, #3.5) by Harper Sloan

Uncaged is not a standalone.  It is a continuation of Cage.  It is recommended that you read the first 3 books in the series before Uncaged.

Basic Summary
            Greg Cage’s life is more fulfilling than he ever could have imagined.  He’s married to the love of his life, has an amazing son, and him in a few short months, his family will grow again with the birth of his twin girls.

                The past year has been a tough one for the Cage family, but they are now on the road to healing by learning to let go of the past and looking forward to their future.

                When situations beyond his control threaten to take away so much of what Greg holds close to his heart, he has to learn that he doesn’t always have the control he tries to maintain in their lives.  Will he be able to handle the stress of knowing his wife and newborn daughters are beyond his protection?

                Join the Cage family as they embark on yet another one of life’s journeys with a rambunctious four-year-old, pregnancy complications, and the fear of the unknown.
                Will the love that Greg and Melissa share hold true as they fight to overcome the obstacles that face them?

                Uncaged is not a standalone.  It is a continuation of Cage.  It is recommended that you read the first 3 books in the series before Uncaged.

What I Loved
                Well first of all I can’t say enough about how much I love Greg Cage!  He’s freaking awesome, and it wouldn’t be a proper Cage story without hot sex scenes, crazy kids, and wiener rings!  There is plenty of sex in this short story and lots of talk about Greg’s lower appendage that just happens to be pierced in three places.  I’ve always wanted to meet a man with a piercing down there, but now I want to meet a man with three piercings down there!!!

                Not only does this story have lots of hotness and sex but it also throws you for a HUGE loop and there were a couple times where I had tears in my eyes.  Lots of funny scenes countered with tons of tender scenes that had me saying “awwwww” while some scenes had my heart racing and NEEDING to know what was going to happen next like I needed air!

Not So Much
                There were times in the beginning that I felt like it was just too much lovey dovey crap.  Don’t get me wrong I adore romances (obviously) but I can’t stand it when every other sentence is about how much you love this person and how lucky you are to have found them.  I get that you’re trying to lay the ground work for where they are in their relationship, but this is a short story that is supposed to a supplementary read so the foundation doesn’t need to be laid out just that much.   Other than that I really enjoyed reading this short story and getting to spend more time with Greg and Melissa, and of course Cohen.

             I loved that this book not only switched point of views between Greg and Melissa but switched to Cohen a couple times.  I just totally love him and I have since the first time I met him so to have his point of view included was awesome. 

                This story totally had my crying by the end of it, and of course laughing as well.  I love when Cohen talks about Greg’s Weiner rings; it has me cracking up each and every time!  This story has totally got me stoked to dive into Asher and Chelcie’s story and making me even more impatient for the story I have been waiting for since book one, which is Maddox’s story!!!!   It was bittersweet having Cooper in the beginning of the book it’s still raw for me sometimes remembering that he’s gone it just rips my heart out all over again.  The story definitely puts you on edge at certain points and I loved the little treat at the end involving Cohen.  Thank you so much for that Harper Sloan and bringing all these people to life so I get to read all about their wonderful lives!  

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