Thursday, April 10, 2014

Laura’s Review of Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5) by Darynda Jones

If you have read and enjoyed This Side of the Grave (Night Huntress, #5) by Jeaniene Frost,  Gone (Dream Catcher, #3) by Lisa McMann, and Dark & Stormy (Sacred Hearts Coven, #1) by Felicia Starr then you will LOVE this book!!!

Basic Summary
             Never underestimate the power of a woman on a double espresso with a mocha latte chaser high. – T-Shirt 

            Charley Davidson isn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill grim reaper.  She’s more of a paranormal private eye/grim reaper extraordinaire.  However, she gets sidetracked when the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, moves in next door.  To further complicate matters, Reyes is her main suspect in an arson case.  Charley has vowed to stay away from him until she can find out the truth…but dead women start appearing in her apartment, one after another, each lost, consumed and terrified beyond reason.  When it becomes apparent that her own sister, Gemma is the serial killer’s next target, Charley has no choice but to ask for Reyes’ help.  Arsonist or not, he’s the one man alive who could protect Gemma no matter who or what came at her.  But he wants something in return.  Charley.  All of her, body and soul.  And to keep her sister safe, it is a price she is willing to pay.

            Charley Davidson is at it again in the sexy, suspenseful, and laugh-out-loud funny fifth installment of the New York Times bestselling series.

What I Loved
           Wow well, there is so much I love about this book!!! First of all lots of sex with Reyes, and after that even more sex with Reyes.  We not only get naked Reyes but we get to see inside Reyes’ apartment and just what kind of style this hot sexy man has.  Some of the sex scenes include his out the world, state of the art shower and thank you very much for that Darynda Jones. 

            Along with hot sexy Reyes living next store, it seems like he likes not work too far from his house and gets a job that guarantees him being around more and more.  It’s so awesome to not only have Reyes out of jail but to have him around and living an actual life.  Each book I just fall in love with him more and more. 

            In addition to hot Reyes, we get just about 27 random women showing up in Charlie’s room which leads to a search for a serial killer of blonde women.  I was really freaked out at first trying to picture just like 27 women who are almost catatonic crawling around her apartment and I was worried I would have nightmares.  But towards the end of the book when all of this is finally solved it leads to a lot of really touching moments that brought tears to my eyes. 

            I loved that we not only got more Reyes we got more Gemma in this book and it seems that Gemma has a new boyfriend.  I love when the supporting characters get their own lives and you get to experience that trip along with the main character. 

Not So Much
             I really don’t have a lot of negatives for this book.  I guess my only negative and it really isn’t one, is that I have a feeling that I’m not going to appreciate the next book.  There were some things left up in the air by the end of this book, and one VERY BIG question at the end as well.  The reason I’m so apprehensive is because I don’t think it will play out how I want to.  I love Charley so much but she is one of the most stubborn characters I have ever read and that means, the answer is not going to be an easy one to get which means that it will be dragged out.  I’m not a fortune teller so the next book can go a  totally different way which mean I will get what I want but I just don’t see that happening.  It wouldn’t be funny and it wouldn’t be Charley as much I would like it to be.

This Book Was

Amazeballs!!!!  Okay so this book was awesome, let’s just start there!   I cannot get of Reyes Farrow and now that he is out of jail and living next door to Charley is beyond awesome.    There is so much going in this book like every other book in this series, but some questions are answered that came up in Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet which was very nice.  We do find out all about he arsons and if it is Reyes that is setting fire to these buildings or if it’s someone else entirely. 

            Also in this book we finally find out the real reason why Reyes was sent to here to this wonderful place we call Earth!  We finally get answers as far was what exactly is Satan’s plan and if he is after Charley specifically or just wanting a portal to Heaven.  Information is also spilled a little bit more about Charley and her celestial family and just how amazing she truly is.  Once again we get to discover another one of Charley’s amazing powers and what she can do when faced with fire!  All very exciting to finally get more answers, but of course with more answers comes more questions.  So as some questions were answered I started to have a lot more questions, and at the same time starting to realize that maybe Charley’s powers are just so out there, that they’re actually hard to wrap my head around the possibilities.  They keep on saying in the other books, anything imaginable and I feel like after reading this book I’m starting to understand a little bit what that means. 

            The ending leaves you a cliff hanger, and if you hate cliff hangers then I’m sorry and all I have to say is hold on!!!  Like I said before I’m almost not looking forward to seeing this open ending resolved because I might not like the way it goes.  But if all things work out and it does go the way I want it to, then there will be tears of happiness!!!!

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