Friday, February 21, 2014

Laura’s Review of Unravel Me by Tori St. Claire

If you read and enjoyed Wicked Burn by Beth Kery, The Dom’s Dungeon by Cherise Sinclair, and Restoring Jordan by Elizabeth Finn then you will LOVE this book!!!

Basic Summary
             Letting go might be the key that unlocks her pleasure….

            Attorney Cassie Blaire has spent most of her life living by rules.  Rules that keep her life sensible, and on the right path.  But five years after losing her husband, Cassie is saying sayonara to “sensible”.  And it starts now—with indulging a need she’s long denied.

            When he a Colorado, all Brad Steele wants is a scot before has to play nice in the first face-to-face meeting with his co-counsel in an ugly divorce case.  But instead, he finds her—a lush, inviting stranger whose dark eyes invited him to sin…and thirst turns into a raw, undeniable hunger.

            Now Cassie is initiated into a world that has nothing to do with sensible, and everything to do with sensuality.  Under Brad’s guiding touch, she’s receiving an education in desire –one that breaks all of the old rules, and explores tantalizing new ones.  And once she learns that her naught one-nighter is her arrogant co-counsel, all of her objections will be sustained......

First Impressions
                I like how this book just lays everything out right away, you don’t have to really guess where this story is going; the plot is laid out immediately.  It’s nice when books can keep you guessing, but I appreciate romances that just present the plot and follow that, it makes the story more organized and an easy read. 

                The chemistry between the characters is instant and before you are even 20% through the book there is one hot sex scene that sets the tone for the rest of the book.  Which I don’t mind at all since it was a great sex scene and I instantly fell in love with Brad Steele, he definitely is a total hottie!!

What I Loved
                Sometimes you just need a really great standalone romance and this book totally delivers that.  It’s so difficult to find standalone books anymore and I haven’t read just a great romance story in a long time.  The characters are kind of jaded but not totally and there certainly is no darkness going on here which I appreciate everyone once in a while.  Right now I totally relate to Cassie living in Colorado and there be constant snow storms, since this is one of the worse winters in New Jersey and we are on snow storm 16 coming next week.  I just wish I had a heated walk way like she does; it would cut down my shoveling time.

                I love books with goal orientated characters because they tend to be the most stubborn when it comes to their plans being veered a little and it makes for a fun story line.  I like the internal struggle these two seem to be having, and that simple communication between the two would kind of solve their problems.  But of course, Brad and Cassie are both hard headed people who aren't going to express their feelings right off the bat and this is what makes the story interesting. 

                The sex scenes between Cassie and Brad is awesome, I love how Brad just takes control and becomes the Dom I love instantly.  It’s been awhile since I've read a Dom/sub relationship book and this one isn't full on BDSM but it made me realize how much I miss those types of relationship.  I love men with authority and smarts and Brad fills those two categories completely. 

Not So Much
                I think I would've liked more details in the book, I kind of got the gist of what Cassie’s house looked like but not completely and it was a little confusing at times since there seemed to be a lot of different levels.  I felt like that was the only place we knew any detail of what it looked it, I didn't really know what Cassie’s office looked like, what Brad’s apparent in New York looked like.  There was great detail in how Brad and Cassie looked like but I didn't really know what Stephanie looked like and the same goes for Miles and Jennifer Cooper looked like.  I like when equal detail is paid to every aspect in the book and I didn't feel like it completely was in this book. 

                I felt like for this book to be in the erotica category genre there should’ve have been a least two more sex scenes in it, the detail in the sex scenes that was there was great and I loved it I just wish there was more.  They really wanted each other and there were times I just wanted them to rip each other’s clothes off and go for it sometimes and that never really happened.  I felt like or for Brad being a Dom and Cassie being a submissive there could’ve been some more fun going on between them.  I would’ve really liked to have seen Brad and Cassie in the epilogue as Dom and sub and what that means for them now that they are in a settled relationship.  The story is about Cassie coming to terms with being a submissive but still having a voice, and I think the book delivered as far as her dreams coming true but I wanted to see what that meant for her in the bedroom. 

                Great standalone romance.  I have been searching for these kinds of books for a while, sometimes I need a break from a series and this book totally fulfilled my needs.  It was an easy read and quick read, before I knew I looked down and I was already more than half way through.  The pace of the story was awesome I didn't feel like the author skipped over crucial details or the story went too slow.  There was definitely were a couple parts in the story that I didn't see coming which I appreciated so the book didn't become too predictable.  If you’re looking for a great easy romance with a happily ever after than this is the book for you!

                The sex scenes that were in the book were hot hot hot and I have probably fallen head over heels in love with Brad Steele.  I loved Cassie as the female lead, she was very strong willed and although had submissive tendencies was not a push over.  I really liked that she was a confident woman as well, not whiny or had a self-esteem issue like so many females do in erotica books that contain BDSM in some form.  She seemed to be the brave one of the couple and I liked that when she made a decision she stuck to it when she knew it was the right one for her.  When Brad was being an ass and didn't consider what she wanted I loved that she spoke up for herself even if that meant not seeing Brad again.  The ending of the book was great; I enjoy books that have an epilogue so you can get a glimpse into what a more established relationship is liked between the main characters and I definitely had a huge smile on my face by the end.  

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