Thursday, October 3, 2013

Laura’s Review of Rock Me (Ross Siblings #2) by Cherrie Lynn

If you like Sinners on Tour series by Olivia Cunning, The Mighty Storm series by Samantha Towle, and More Than Meets the Ink by Elle Aycart then you will love this!!!!!

Basic Summary:  Candace Andrews has lived a very sheltered life, and has done everything her family has ever asked of her.  Until she decides on her birthday to do something crazy like a get a tattoo from her cousin’s hot ex-boyfriend Brian Ross.  Brian Ross has always been the black sheep of his family, but after getting his own business started and living the on the straight and narrow he’s looking for something a little more meaningful in life.  Who knew that would be a wide-eyed innocent blonde who he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about ever since she walked back into his life and into his tattoo shop. 

What I Love About This Book: I love Candace and Brian’s personalities right off the bat.  From the very beginning it’s easy to see how smothered Candace has been by her family and friends throughout her entire life.  She’s not whiney like she’s not good enough for Brian, she is just very naïve but realizes that in her and doesn’t want to be.  Candace is at that point in her life where she is discovering things that she likes rather than what her family kind of forces her to like.  Brian even though physically sounds like he is one of the bad boys that you should never get involved with because he’ll break your heart but in reality is what every girl dreams of; he actually wants a commitment and is a nice guy! I mean how often does that happen?  Never because this is fiction and you have to remember that when reading this book! Due to this book I tattoos now turn me on now more than they ever have and piercings as well! Thanks a lot Cherrie Lynn!! I blame you for this!

     I also love that this book has a soundtrack that goes with it kind of, introducing you to the characters in a more personal way then just telling you what they look like you, you get to read their likes and dislikes right off the bat.  Immediately when entering Brian’s tattoo shop Nine Inch Nails plays in the background (And I am HUGE Trent Reznor fan) so you instantaneously get the feel of not only Brian but his business and his life right away.  Saying that, Brian isn’t a shallow character and even though you might right away know what he looks like, what kind of music he listens to, and his many body piercings he offers you a lot more throughout the book.   Candace is also a surprise in the book as well because she’s not your typical wide-eye innocent protagonist.  Right away you learn that she has been stifled throughout her life by her family and she has always had a crush on Brian craving that wild side of life that any good rebellious country girl would dream about.  Yet you learn throughout the book that her love for Brian isn’t because she wants to walk on the wild side, she actually enjoys music like Korn and Killswitch Engage, thinks body piercings are sexy, and studying to get her masters in Social Work.  I like that there are many layers to these characters throughout the book.

Cons:  I don’t really have any cons, it’s a good story it hooks you in right away and you really get entangled with the plot.  There were a few times I wanted to yell at the book because Candace’s parents and brother were being so ignorant and stupid but then I remembered this wasn’t real and I was okay.  I guess maybe the only con I had was that the actual first sex scene is more than half way through the book and there was just so so so much teasing it was getting very frustrating to constantly read them almost doing it over and over again. 

Overall:  Love this book! This book has made me want to go out and find a nice tattooed man of my own! Great story, great plotline, awesome writing, and lovable characters.  What more could you ask for? 

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