Sunday, September 29, 2013

Laura’s Review of Revealing Us (Inside Out #3) by Lisa Renee Jones

If you like Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James, The Blackstone Affair series by Raine Miller, and Bonds of Trust by Lynda Aicher then you like this series!!!!

Basic Summary:  The third book in the Inside Out series lands Chris and Sara in Paris, France.  Sara still has problems with control and trust, all the while having to make a quick decision to get on a plane to France to be with Chris or stay in San Francisco and go back to her old life.  After a horrible night that almost ended in Sara’s death, and revealed of what really happened to Rebecca, Sara decided to go all in with Chris.  While in Paris, Chris struggles with his demons while Sarah struggles to find her lost friend Ella and learn how to assimilate to Parisian life and Chris’ past. 

What I Love About This Book:  I loved the storyline throughout this series, I love how it wasn’t only a love story but several mysteries all wrapped into one.  You not only read through Sara’s present life, but Rebecca’s checkered past through her lost journals.  This series from the very beginning has set itself apart from the Fifty Shades trilogy by encompassing a mysterious journal belonging to woman Sara has never met, and Sara’s best friend Elle running off, getting married and is never heard from again.  Sara at a certain point almost has to choose between Mark and Chris in book two, all the while trying to figure out who the mysterious Dom is in Rebecca’s personal journals about her journey through the dark world of BDSM.   

Chris Merit is the typical hero in this series, very rich, very hot, and very haunted.  The sex scenes throughout the book are good balance between Dom/sub relationships and love making as equals.  Rebecca’s story is tragic, and when you find her fate at the end book two you feel that at least one storyline is over, but that is untrue.  Throughout the chapters in this book you read about Rebecca’s last few days, how she came back to be with the love of her life and the circumstances surround her mystery.   All the while more questions are created about Sara’s best friend Ella and I am still dying to find out what has happened to her.  The epilogue gives you a sneak preview of what I am assuming will either be a spin off series of this which would be from Ella’s point of view (just a guess) or another book is set to come out in the series.

            The details in this book are magnificent, you really get a sense of what Paris is like, and the feeling of fish out of water is permeated throughout each page of this book so well.  Sara is lost in a city where very little people speak English and she doesn’t know who she can trust.  All the while searching for her missing friend Ella, and evading the police as they question her about a murder in the States. This book was a real page turner and I was racing to the end because I needed answers!!!

Cons:  As much as I like this series, there were certain points where I kind of lost interest and the constant back and forth with Sara saying over and over again I’m not leaving Chris was tiresome after a while.   Also on my kindle it states that this is a trilogy, this being the third book means it is the last, but the ending had more questions than answers.  A lot of issues were never really wrapped up or addressed at all.  I’m praying there is another book to this series and it isn’t just a trilogy because if this is the last installment then that was just a horrible way to end a book a part from the epilogue.  The epilogue suggests that there could be a spin off series dealing with Sara’s friend Ella and that seems very exciting because obviously there is some dark stuff going on with her. 
            Also I felt like the huge dark secret that Chris was keeping wasn’t that big of a deep dark secret and how it was all revealed was not the climax of the book for me.  You spend so much time throughout this series trying to figure out this dark side of Chris and why he is the way he is, and for him to just say it in a taxi at night was just very anticlimactic for me.  Plus as the story went on in book three it very much became more mystery and no erotica.  I get as stories progress sex scenes become more glossed over, but in this book almost every single sex scene was glossed over, the only drawn out ones are in the beginning and everything else is just rushed through.  It’s not right to have details of something over and over again and then all of sudden not have any. 

Overall:  Great series, love the characters they are very easy to fall in love with.  The writing is very good in certain parts of the book, a little boring and anticlimactic in others.  I just hope there is more to this story because you need a follow up and wrap everything up not just one or two of the plot lines within the story.  

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