Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lauren's Review: Knight & Stay (Knight #2) by Kitty French

Thumbs UP

Kind of silly to start a book blog starting with a second book in a series but I have all these thoughts in my head and need to get them down so why wait. I really enjoyed reading Knight & Stay. While I enjoyed the first book in the series, I have to say the second was better than the first.

What I loved:

1) The development of characters- I loved watching Sophie mold from a robotic wife in a dead end marriage to a strong lover who would risk anything for love.   "Lucien had taught her how to live without Dan and in doing that, he's surely taught her to love without him too." It's hard for me to sit through a book where the woman throws herself on the couch and pouts about losing her man. She knew what she wanted and she went out to get it.  

It didn't end with Sophie, as the book progresses, we witness small changes in Lucien as well. "I don't want to wake up and find you're not really here." We watch him push Sophie away while he trying to deny that he is falling for her but in the end, realize that it's ok to give your heart away. "You asked me in Paris how many women I have loved. I said one. I should have said two...As a child I loved my mother, and as a man I love you."  

2) The intense journey: My how the tables have turned! In book one, Lucien sets out to teach Sophie to explore her sexuality and to be confident in herself to stand up to Dan. However, in book two, we see that the teacher is slowly becoming the student.

Hot Spot winner: The vibrating egg dinner scene.  It's so hot when a couple is secretly turning each other on in front of other people without those people noticing.

Next Book- Into the Deep,  Samantha Young

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