Monday, August 26, 2013

Lauren's Review-Into the Deep (Into the Deep #1) by Samantha Young

Summary-Charley Redford was just an ordinary girl until Jake Caplin moved to her small town in Indiana and convinced her she was extraordinary. Almost from day one Jake pulled Charley into the deep and promised he was right there with her. But when a tragic incident darkened Jake’s life he waded out into the shallows and left Charley behind. Almost four years later Charley thinks she’s moved on. That is until she takes a study year abroad in Edinburgh and bumps into none other than Jake Caplin at a party with his new girlfriend. The bad-boy-turned-good attempts to convince Charley to forgive him, and as her best friend starts spending time with Jake’s, Charley calls a truce, only to find herself tumbling back into a friendship with him. As they grow closer, the spark between them flares and begins playing havoc with their lives and relationships. When jealousy and longing rear their destructive heads, Charley and Jake struggle to come to grips with what they mean to one another. And even if they work it out, there is no guarantee Charley will ever trust Jake to lead her back into the deep…

What I Loved: I really enjoyed Samantha Young's On Dublin Street, so when I saw this, I immediately jumped on board. The story develops with the flashback chapters of Charley and Jake when they were younger.  We learn that from the very beginning, even though they were young, Charley and Jake were very much in love and felt that they were destined to be together forever. The story cannot develop if we do not have an understanding of what Charley and Jake went through during those years. How can they go from soulmates to not even speaking to one another??
I also love Charley! I love a tough girl! How can you not love a girl whose nickname is Supergirl?? I love how sarcastic she is and how she always has a response back. And of course, you always have to hate the other girl. I don't care how nice she is throughout the book. You are secretly wishing she will get dumped and move on.  

Cons: Ugh, young-deep-destined teenage love. I know, all girls dream about meeting the man of your dreams in high school but I have trouble swallowing the pill of love at that age. It might be a personal pet peeve when I think back to the boys I dated at that age and even college.  Also, there are no sex scenes until about 90% into the book.  And of course, the book ends in a cliffhanger so you will have to wait until 2014 for Out of the Shadows (Into the Deep #2)

Next book: Left Drowning by Jessica Park

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