Saturday, June 6, 2015

Laura’s Review of The Other Man by R.K. Lilley

“How rough can you take it?


He was brazen as hell from the moment I laid eyes on him. He was aggressive, and dominant, with Mack truck arms, and a bar brawler voice.
He was too good looking for his own good, with a hard jaw, and harder eyes.
I’d always led a fairly peaceful life, but even I could tell at a glance that this man was dangerous. For so many reasons.
Not the least of which being that rough, dirty, sheet-clawing sex fairly radiated off him.
I’d thought I’d known how to handle every kind of man, but this one left me baffled.
To say he wasn’t my type was putting it lightly.
But you couldn’t tell that to my libido.
Not even when I found out the truth.
My lover had lied to me from the very start.
Nothing about our meeting was a coincidence.

This book can be read as a standalone. 

What I Loved
What I love about R.K. Lilley books the most is that they are gritty and bittersweet because it makes the happily ever after all the more better and emotional.  The Other Man is no different, Heath is this mysterious rough around the edges type man who takes no prisoners and says what he means all the time.  He intrigued me right away and as I kept on reading I just wanted more and more of him. 

Lourdes’ world was rattled by her ex-husband, she is finally moving on from a messy divorce and building a life of her own with both sons out of the house and her photography career.  She stumbles upon this beautiful man, who is quite a bit younger than her but there is instant attraction that pours of the pages.  The pull between these two was electrifying and I couldn’t put this book down because of it.  I absolutely loved Lourdes because she is comfortable in her own skin and has so much to offer in a relationship.  I love strong female leads who have their shit together and bring a lot to the table and Lourdes fits right into this category.

Not So Much
       There really wasn’t much I didn’t love about this book it had all the elements of suspense and desire that made it easy to become engrossed in their story.  I do wish that more of a foundation was laid out for Heath though.  I get that he’s a mysterious dude and we slowly learn things about him as the plot builds but I did feel like there still some big holes about him and his past that could’ve been explained further.  I’m not talking tons more pages but just maybe a couple more paragraphs to give a deeper foundation.  You do meet some characters that give depth to him, but I just wish there was more description of their connections and past.

To Sum It All Up!
          I’m a huge fan of R.K. Lilley I got hooked on her book with the Up in the Air series and each book she puts out just gets better and better.  This is a standalone but also a spinoff from her past series because we get to see Bianca and James again, as well as Tristan and Danika.  It made me realize how much I miss them but it was so awesome to see them happy and in love. 

There is a ton going on in this story, it quickly goes from an erotic romance to a suspenseful mystery.  My heart broke at times, while others had my jaw on the floor and my eyes open as wide I could get them.  Heath is rough around the edges to say the least, but I loved how much he softens whenever he is around Lourdes.  I’m a sucker for a bad boy who gets all mushy around the woman he loves and Heath is just that.  I really like that although there was an age difference between the two it wasn’t a huge issue, it’s talked about some times but not on every single page so it wasn’t over exaggerated.  I love that this time it’s the woman who is older and more experienced in the love department, it’s a nice twist to a romance that I enjoyed.  Like I said before I love R.K. Lilley and this book is a shining example of why I love her so much, I cannot wait to see what she writes next!

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