Monday, September 29, 2014

Over-Exposed by Julie Jaret Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway!


She’s all work.

Fifteen years ago, Natalie Simmons reinvented herself with a single goal: to earn her father’s respect.  The frivolous, attention-seeking college girl is now a workaholic lawyer on partnership track.  
That is, until Sam Danmore shows up. 

He’s all play.

He’s gorgeous, famous, arrogant as ever, and can still drench her panties with a look and a grin -- a fact which only reinforces how much she hates him.  And wants him.

When an obsessed fan forces Sam into hiding, Natalie has to help him or risk getting caught up in the media frenzy, herself.  But her unwanted, yet deepening attraction to him threatens the new life she has built... because Sam has spent the last fifteen years living up to his reputation, and Natalie is still trying to live hers down.

Buy Over-Exposed Here

Natalie's tires squealed as she sped up and down the levels, finding every last parking space was filled.  She tried to call her assistant, but should’ve known better than to hope for cell reception in the garage.  As she reversed the car in an anger-fueled three-point turn, she heard a thump.  Shit.  Checking the rearview mirror, she saw nothing -- no cars, no cement columns.  Whatever.  She hoped Kari was able to stall the parties on the video conference...
Suddenly, the door behind her flung open and someone jumped in, rocking the car.  “Drive,” a deep voice ordered.
“Oh my god.  Just take the car.”  She reached for the door handle, thankful she could run straight to her office, now, and maybe make it in time for the--
“I don’t want the car.  I want you to drive, lady!” 
“I’m late for a conference call!”  Before she could push the door open, something hard pressed against the back of her head.  She stiffened and slanted a glance toward the rearview mirror, but couldn’t see him since he was directly behind her.
“You’re gonna have to reschedule.  Drive the fucking car.”
“Okay.  Okay.  Where do you want to go?”  Her voice shook with panic.  Dad’s gonna give me that disappointed look.  Can’t believe this shit.  What are the frigging odds?
“Just get me out of here.”
Natalie drove around and around the garage toward the exit, trying now and then to see him in her mirrors.  As they stopped for the automatic gate to lift she made a move to open the door, but he tapped her skull with what she presumed was a gun barrel.  A reminder, like she could ever forget it was there.  
“Don’t make me use this.”
“I’m sorry.”  Her voice shook a little.  She hated that.  “Which way should I go?”  
“Take me to your house.”
“I don’t have a house.”
He made an exasperated sound.  “I assume you’re not homeless.  Take me wherever the hell it is you live.”
She drove a circuitous route through the slow-moving maze of Midtown, inching the car down the one-way streets and multiple Peachtrees that confounded even native Atlantans.  For fuck’s sake, there’s never a police car when you need one...
Her phone rang, startling her.
Her passenger barked “Don’t answer it!” a half-second too late.
“Sorry!  It’s a reflex.”  She cringed, half-expecting to be pistol-whipped.
Then Kari’s voice came over the car speakers.  “Jesus Christ, Nat!”
“Yeah, I’m having a really hard time parking--”
“Forget it, we cancelled.  Are you listening to the radio?”
“Uh, no...”
“All the traffic?  It’s not an accident.”  If she hadn’t been in a life-or-death situation, Natalie would’ve noticed her assistant’s oddly-excited tone.  “They started shooting the movie, and Sam Danmore disappeared!  He’s like a fugitive or something.”
“Hang up,” Natalie’s passenger growled low from the back seat.  
It dawned on her now that his voice seemed familiar.  She risked a glance over her shoulder and holy shit.  Holy.  Shit.  Holy fucking shit.  “Holy fucking shit.”  
A world-famous pair of sexy brown eyes glared, and she turned back around just in time to avoid rear-ending a city bus.
“I know, right?”  Kari’s voice gushed.  “They said he raped a teenage girl in his trailer and ran off when she screamed.”
“My god...”  Natalie jerked the car to a rocking stop in a loading zone, narrowly missing a few pedestrians.
Again.  Can you believe that?”
“Kari, I’ve gotta call you back.”  She disconnected and sat silently a moment, staring straight ahead.  Her heart was pounding harder than it did when her passenger first jumped in the car.  Without turning, she spoke in her coldest and most professional voice (which barely shook at all).  “Is it safe to assume you have not been holding a real gun to my head?”  
She heard him sigh heavily.  In her peripheral vision, she saw him hold up a strong, tan hand and fold it into a finger-gun.
“That’s a safe assumption, yes.  And for the record, I didn’t do it.”
Of course you didn’t.  Now try to sell me Braves Stadium.  “In that case, would you care to explain why you’re-- uh, naked, and in my car?”  Her damn voice betrayed her that time.
“Let’s talk about that when we get to your place.”  The words were steeped in his trademark sinful smile.  The narcissistic ass was trying to manipulate her.  
She wasn’t going to let him.  “Never mind.  Please just get out.”
The leather seat creaked as he leaned forward and his deep chuckle tickled her ear.  “Did you forget I’m naked?”  
She stiffened.  “No.  I didn’t.”  
It was a universally-accepted fact that Sam Danmore had a gorgeous body.  Natalie had once heard a talk show host joke that his standard movie contract contained a wardrobe clause specifying his refusal to wear shirts in more than three scenes.
He didn’t budge.  His hair brushed her cheek.  It was soft and smelled like fresh shampoo.
Keep facing forward.  Don’t move.  Don’t talk.  
And for fuck’s sake, don’t look! 
There were plenty of people Natalie disliked.  Sam Danmore was the only one she could honestly say she hated.  
Yeah, silly girl?  Then why has your mouth gone dry?  
To her relief he finally backed off, taking his scent with him.  “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m not gonna walk around downtown Atlanta in the buff.”  
The BMW’s windows were tinted for privacy, so while many people rushed past them along the busy sidewalk, no one had given her car a second glance.
“Well, I’m certainly not taking you to my home!”  Ugh.  Could she sound more prim?
He was quiet for a moment and she felt him studying her.  “In that case, I’m gonna open the door here, and get all these nice people riled up until the news crews come and we’re all over the internet.  You seem like someone who’d be okay with that.”
She reached for her phone.  “I’m calling the police.”
The smug bastard laughed at her.  “Oh, so you want more media attention?  I must’ve misread you.”
He was still laughing as Natalie threw the car in gear and floored the gas to force her way back into traffic.

Teaser Time!

Buy Extreme Close-Up Here

Meet Julie Jaret

Julie Jaret is an American screenwriter with one feature film produced and some others on deck. Her alter-ego needed an outlet, so here we are.
Julie lives in the southeast U.S. with her sexy and supportive husband, two funny and beautiful kids, and one big doofus of a dog. She enjoys living vicariously through her fictional characters, often to the point of distraction... (Luckily, her hubby and kids know not to expect dinner at a certain time. Or at all.)

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She’s all work. 

Fifteen years ago, Natalie Simmons reinvented herself with a single goal: to earn her father’s respect. The frivolous, attention-seeking college girl is now a workaholic lawyer on partnership track. 
That is, until Sam Danmore shows up. 

He’s all play. 

He’s gorgeous, famous, arrogant as ever, and can still drench her panties with a look and a grin -- a fact which only reinforces how much she hates him. And wants him. 

When an obsessed fan forces Sam into hiding, Natalie has to help him or risk getting caught up in the media frenzy, herself. But her unwanted, yet deepening attraction to him threatens the new life she has built... because Sam has spent the last fifteen years living up to his reputation, and Natalie is still trying to live hers down.

What I Loved
                Well I don’t even know where to begin because I loved every part of this story!!! First of all I cannot get enough of the chemistry between Nat and Sam.  From the very moment they lay eyes on each other it is sizzling!  I couldn’t wait for them to get naked and get down to business! 

            I love the fact that Nat is a very strong, independent woman who has her shit together.  Nat is the definition of what a female lead should be like, I’m so over female leads being frail and shy.  I love women who can kick butt, provide for themselves, and know what they have to offer.  Natalie fits into all of these categories and then some.  Then of course is the amazing and sexy Sam Danmore, he seriously is hot!!!! When they finally accept the fact that they want each other is amazing, the sex scenes between these two was amazing and I couldn’t get enough of them.  What woman hasn’t had a fantasy of her Hollywood crush falling in love with her and living happily ever after (mine is Alexander Skarsgard), this book is like watching that fantasy come true!

Not So Much
                I absolutely loved this book and there is very little that I didn’t like.  I guess my only little complaint is that this is such a short book, that I wish Nat and Sam kind of got to the point where they finally indulge in their attraction to each other happened a little earlier.  I don’t think things really started to get hot and heavy until I was about half way through the story.  Other than that, I really loved this story.

This Book Was….

                Amazeballs!!!  I love everything about Sam and Nat being together, when there was a sex scene I had to turn on my ceiling fan it was so hot!  I love that even though this story was short, I was still very much emotionally invested in Natalie’s happiness and I was totally her number one fan.  I love Sam Danmore, his sense of humor was awesome and his more carefree attitude totally evened out Natalie’s uptight demeanor.  I wish there was more of these two because this story was awesome and I want more! 

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