Monday, July 14, 2014

Unknowable Desire by Julius Harrington Release Day Blitz & Giveaway!!

Unknowable Desire
By Julius Harrington
Releasing July 14, 2014


This is an erotic romance thriller. Liam Jackson, a business man, has just separated from his wife after many years of things going sour in the marriage.

Jackson is happy with his newfound "freedom" from his wife and quickly starts up a romantic and highly sexual liaison with Emma, a brilliant genius-level IT and science professional. Emma has recently gone through a life crisis after being sacked from a high-level IT job.

As a result of her crisis Emma re-invents herself through a makeover, converting herself from a tall geeky science nerd into a very attractive blonde with FF breasts to match her unusually high sex drive. Emma then becomes the head consultant for a world-leading corporate IT project.

The novel is set in a small, medium and large corporate thriller background with a powerful historical message uniquely merging the past into a present-day context. It will be the first in a trilogy of three novels.



Julius Harrington grew up in a Brisbane southern suburb right next to the bush.

Julius' favourite pastimes as a kid were running round the bush like a wild animal on weekends, racing the go kart he built himself down the water tower road with mates, and walking home from school to save his bus fare so he could spend it at the toy racing car tracks.

As a teenager Julius acquired the habit of voracious reading devouring Tolkien, all the classical authors and any history fiction book he could lay his hands on.

He has four beautiful children. His days are now spent writing from 3am until breakfast, which he usually has 9ish at a local cafe. Then more writing till lunch, followed by voracious reading in the arvo then a movie at night.



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