Friday, March 21, 2014

Laura’s Review of The Price of Love by Cassy Roop

If you have read and enjoyed Damaged (Damaged, #2) by H.M. Ward, Collide (Collide, #1) by Gail McHugh, and Come Away with Me (With Me in Seattle, #1) by Kristen Proby then you will LOVE this book!!

              Two short months before graduating high school, Kendall Jones’ world is ripped apart at the seams.  A stranger rescues her from a near brutal attack, but it unable to save her parents from death.  Eight years later, Kendall moves to New York, hoping to put her past behind her, and once again finds herself in need of rescue.

            Tristan Price saves the life of a young woman, who then haunts his dreams for eight long years.  When she literally falls to his feet, Tristan decides that will protect her, no matter what the coast.  When her past comes back to threaten her, his plan to keep her close could cost his heat.
            Can Tristan save Kendall a second time, and at what cost?  Can the price of love overshadow the darkness of her past?

            Although this book is part of a series, it can be read as a Standalone and has a HEA.

First Impressions
                I must say I am pleasantly surprised by this book, I wasn’t expecting there to be a 50 shades element to this story but there totally is!   Tristan Price isn’t just Kendall’s hero form her past but is a billionaire play boy who is constantly in the tabloids in NYC.  I totally have soft spot for hot rich men (thank you E.L. James & Sylvia Day) so I immediately was attracted to Tristan. 

            I like the element of deception in this book and that we know it right up front when it comes to Tristan’s involvement in Kendall’s life for almost a decade.  It a breath of fresh air when it comes to books in this genre because usually you don’t get the full story till the very end.  The same goes for the switching of point of views throughout the story, usually these books are just written from the female’s point of view so it’s nice to get the man’s point of view as well.  

What I Loved
   The sexual tension between Kendall and Tristan instantly grabs you and doesn't let go and I loved every minute of it!  I was so excited anytime Tristan and Kendall were together because it meant my heart would start beating faster, my stomach twists in knots, and I have a huge smile on my face. 

            My heart was in my throat at a particular scary scene in this story, and then once again later on with an equally scary scene.  I loved that things were pretty much laid out for you up front so you knew all the secrets these people were hiding and their plans but you still were on the edge of your seat.  I still had sweaty palms and a couple oh my god moments while reading.  For a new author this was a great start for a very a successful writing career that I foresee.

Not So Much
                There were a ton of grammar mistakes in this book but the copy I have is an ARC so I hoping that is the reason why there are so many.  It was a little distracting while reading but I get it so I tried not to pay attention to them. The sentences at times for me were a little too fragmented and for me stunted the flow of the story for me.  I felt like when there were descriptions of the places around the characters were, was kind just told to you instead of flowing with the plot of the story.

            I loved that this book in the beginning gave detailed descriptions of the places around the characters, I felt like I could picture where Kendall and Cassie lived really well and the same goes for the hotel in New York, but as the book went on the details became less and less.  The Paris hotel for example was just described as looking very Parisian, and the hotel Valencia Spain was just described as being on the beach.  I just like to have consistency in a book and that was not evident as the book went on.

            Also I did feel like things became a little too unrealistic at a certain point, because when shit hit the fan in this story realistically a lot of things should’ve happened that weren’t even discussed.  I don’t want to give things a way but I will say that when things got really bad why were the police not called at all?  I mean there were several times when the police should have been a part of what was going on and it wasn’t even a consideration.  To me that just made this story less believable and relatable because it just made no sense.

      This Book Was… 
           Pretty freaking good!!!  I really loved this story; the plot was very familiar in a lot of ways but very fresh in others.  I love hot billionaire alpha men ripping clothes off the women they love and this book definitely provided that. It was evident from the very beginning that Tristan wanted every part of Kendall and boy was I happy when he finally got what he wanted.  This book definitely had some wonderful sex scenes in it that quenched my appetite and I thank Cassy Roop for that very much!

            This book was definitely rough around the edges but from what I can see that this is the author’s first book and the version I had is a rough draft of the final copy so I can look past some of the things that I didn’t particularly like in this book.  I’m sure all the grammar mistakes will totally be taken care of so I don’t really mind.  The details in the beginning were great and for once an author paid special attention to environment around the characters, but it didn’t stay that way throughout the story.  I really loved the switching of point of views between Tristan and Kendall, for this genre it was definitely a new fresh element.  I didn’t understand why when the book switched to Brett’s point of view why it was in italics, to me if you’re going to make other people’s point of view in the book one format you should stick to that format for everyone.  I actually would’ve liked to have seen more details added to Brett’s point of view as well, what did his cell look like for instance? 

                There were definitely a lot of twists and turns in this story and my heart was totally pounding at certain points and I almost wanted to scream for Tristan to show up because I felt as desperate as Kendall.  Tristan Price is one sexy hot man and I totally want more of him.  I see that this the beginning of a series and as much as I want more of just Kendall and Tristan and I definitely intrigued to see what happens next with Jax and Cassie! 


  1. Thank you so much for your honest review! It only helps me to improve as a writer. This being my first book, I was scared to death lol. I have since updated the book, fixing the grammar mistakes and can send you the update if you like! Thanks Again!

    1. Thanks!! Yeah I figured since it was a rough copy that those would change eventually no harm done. That would be awesome if you want to send a new one that's up to you I don't want to inconvenience you!
