you’ve read and enjoyed Baby Be
Mine (Johnny Be Good, #2) by Paige Toon, Slow Heat
(Pacific Heat, #2) by Julie James, and Squeeze Play (Richmond Rogues, #1)
by Kate Angell then you will LOVE this book!!!

I do have a problem with the details in this book so
far, it’s been kind of hard to get a real lock on the characters physical descriptions. I knew pretty early on that Alice had
straight blonde hair but that’s about it, I don’t know how tall she is, if
she’s skinny or curvy none of that is really given. Johnny and Zach’s descriptions don’t come
till about 22% of the way through so for some time I had no idea what Johnny
looked like. Also there’s no description
of Alice and Zach’s house at all, I don’t know the layout or what about that
house reflect the personalities of Zach or Alice. I definitely would like this book more if I had
more details.
What I
Romances that include an athlete will guarantee there
will be some hot scenes and this book did not disappoint in that category. Johnny is hot hot hot and I want more! There was definitely tons of sexual chemistry
between Alice and Johnny and I couldn't wait for them to get down to
business. When they finally did it was
definitely not disappointing in anyway.
I like the characters Alice and Johnny they are
definitely down to earth real people that are easy to relate to. Even when Alice realized the mistakes she
made in her past you still are able to really understand where she was coming
from and why she did what she did. The
same goes for Johnny you just instantly love him and root for him in every
possible way. He’s such a great guy and
it’s refreshing to read a book that involves a sport player that didn't play
the field while he was single. It’s nice
to see a book break that typical mold of famous guy being a male slut until he
finds the love of his life.
Not So
I had a hard time emotionally
connecting to this book, I kind of felt like the ups and downs throughout the
story were hard to latch onto because it would just be stated with no actions
to back it up, it would just be a sentence and then nothing. I like books filled with drama and this book
had parts that could’ve been way more dramatic than they were written. Alice would be upset one minute and then the
next like nothing happened, and for me that didn't feel organic. The flow of the book felt stunted because the
characters emotions and actions were very short lived and not followed up
enough for me. The character development
at times felt kind of robotic rather than human. This is the first book though in the series
and I got as an ARC so maybe those things will change.
Like I said in the first impressions I would have
like more details, for example, Johnny takes Alice to a gala and all I know
about her dress is that it’s blue. I
don’t know if it’s a ball gown, a mermaid cut, what fabric it’s made out of,
the neckline of the dress, any accessories she was wearing with it, or what her
hair looked like. I needed more details
like that to really get into this story to make me feel like I was there with
them. But I get that this is a new
series and the very first book in the series so I hope as this series goes on
the details will get better. Also I would've liked more details towards the end of the book, maybe an epilogue that took place 5 years into the future, if this series goes on and involves other
stories with other baseball players than I would've liked to seen more into
their future. If this series is just
about Alice and Johnny than I get it but I have a feeling that is not where this
series is going which is cool. I really
liked the Bryce character and would like to read a book involving his love
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