Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Laura’s Review of Behind His Eyes – Truth (Consequences, #2.5) by Aleatha Romig

This is a companion piece to Truth by Aleatha Romig, this should not be read as a standalone and should be read after you have read the Consequences series.

Basic Summary
This is the second of the Consequences series three reading companions, by New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig.  It is recommended to be read after completing all three books of the Consequences Series: Consequences, Truth, and Convicted.  It is not a standalone book and should not be read as such.

This reading companion explores the thoughts and motivations of Anthony Rawlings and his struggle to accept the truth behind the consequences.  It is not intended as a total rewrite of Truth, but meant to enhance the reader’s understanding.  Behind His Eyes – Truth contains significant scenes from the novel Truth, as experienced from Anthony’s point of view.  It also contains never before published, behind-the-scenes information, a glossary of the characters, and a timeline that grows from Consequences to include the array of new characters and revelations found in the pages of Truth.

Behind His Eyes – Truth is the continued journey inside the mind of the man who survived the consequences.  This companion allows readers the opportunity to witness first hand as Anthony’s world changes forever.  His rules and control begin to slip away, threatened by the most unlikely foes—an experience completely unfamiliar to him.

Can something as pure as love and forgiveness wreak havoc on his well-planned existence?

Behind His Eyes – Truth, because there is more to learn about a man who:

Once upon a time, signed a napkin that he knew was a contract.  As an esteemed businessman, he forgot one very important rule – he forgot to read the fine print.  It wasn’t an acquisition to own another person as he’d previously assumed.  It was an agreement to acquire a soul.  – Aleatha Romig Convicted

Continue the long and painful acquisition, as the Truth becomes evident, from Behind His eyes!

First Impressions
                I didn't think it was possible for this to happen while I began reading this book and a part of me thinks I’m crazy but for the first half of this book I did not like Anthony AT ALL!  I knew from reading Consequences that Anthony was more than a little out of touch with reality and after I read Behind His Eyes – Consequences I finally got to wrap my head around just how out of touch Anthony really was.  Which I was fine with because I knew that Tony had his turn around in Truth and he really was in love with Claire and felt bad for what he did in his own way.  Part of this is true he really does love Claire and I’m so happy in the very beginning of this book he realized how empty his life was without Claire in it and that he missed her.  But for the first half of this book he still doesn't really seem to get it!!!  When I read Truth I thought at this point he truly understood that he screwed Claire over royally and that her choosing to leave their house that day was not a personal affront to him but he still hasn't gotten it!!!  There are times when it starts to sink in how she sat in jail for almost two years but he is still manipulating her and her circumstances and I’m kind of disappointed with him!

What I Loved
             I love this because only Aleatha Romig can turn an entire story around just by make me change perspectives once again.  When I first started to read Truth and my perspective on Tony started to change I almost was mad at myself for wanting Tony and Claire together.  It took me awhile to realize that Tony really did love Claire and was trying to change for her.  I was definitely a little disappointed in Tony for a while reading this book because I had felt while reading Truth that he understood that he wasn’t the one betrayed when Claire left the estate, that it was Claire that was wronged.  So it surprised me to discover that it took longer than I thought for it to sink in how truly evil Tony had been to Claire. 

            I also loved the fact that you kind of get Nathanial’s perspective on Tony and Claire that was pretty cool to see what he might have to say about Tony loving a Nichols.  It actually made me feel better after reading that part of the book, which sounds crazy I know but I totally loved it. 

            I loved how each chapter in this book began with where it coincided with Truth and after reading this one I really want to go back and reread Truth all over again just so I can go back and experience everything from Claire’s perspective once again and really just having all the pieces of the puzzle come together this time around.  Being able to read and experience Tony’s transition from being the one in control to becoming an equal in his relationship with Claire.  It was so great to also experience Claire becoming her own woman again through Tony’s eyes it made me really proud of her for standing up to Tony and demanding her own wants and needs from Tony.

Not So Much
            I don’t really have any cons to this book; I absolutely love this series and worship the ground Aleatha Romig walks on.  I do have some questions about how things played out between Tony and Claire towards the end of this book though. 

            I guess I don’t understand why when the packages and the notes started coming to Palo Alto and then to Iowa why didn't Tony ever question Catherine about this.  He knew that the package that Claire received in jail had come from Cedar Rapids and he knew that Catherine had sent it to Claire, and then when they found the packages were once again coming from Cedar Rapids why did he not put two and two together.  There are only so many people that know about Tony’s past so why wouldn't he stringently question and investigate every single one of those people.  Also when he found out it was Patrick Chester why did he not start looking into Chester’s bank accounts or even ask Catherine about him since they are the only two who know about the witness.  I just felt like there were so many times that Tony could’ve easily figured out what Catherine was up to and he seems to be so detailed and smart when it comes  to everything else in his life how did he let something this important slip through his fingers.  I get people are blinded by love and all that and they have other priorities but Claire’s safety was his number one priority and to me he wasn’t really paying enough attention to it.  Like I said this isn't really a con of the book it’s just questions I have about Tony because this book makes you think a lot. 

This Book Was….
            Freaking awesome!!!! Once again Aleatha Romig has left me with a huge book hangover and wanting more!  I usually don’t like when authors rewrite books from another person’s perspective, I don’t know why it’s not a big draw for me but this series is just so amazing and leaves you with the worst book hangover known to man I couldn't NOT read things from his point of view.  Like I said before I was a little disappointed with Tony for really holding onto his feelings of betrayal and not really understanding what he had done to Claire.  But I was definitely relieved when he finally started to get see how much he needed Claire in his life and what he had to do to get her there.  It was definitely great reading his point of view because it gave a more well-rounded perspective to this story, and also giving insight to other times in their lives that were not discussed before.  For example getting a little bit of what Tony was feeling like after Claire’s accident when she was in a deep depression and how hard that was for Tony.  I loved to see how Catherine and Tony’s relationship started to deteriorate and how Catherine’s crazy started to come to the surface. 

            Just as how I felt before when it came to Claire’s “accident” that it was a necessary event in Claire and Tony’s relationship.  It had to happen so things would change between Tony and Claire and for Tony to really realize how much he cared for Claire.  I feel the same way about Claire going to jail and receiving that package.  As much as I hate Catherine I feel like Tony could never be truly happy with Claire if she never really knew who Tony was and that package gave Claire the ability to not only learn about Tony but accept him for who he is as well.  Tony needed to see Claire as his partner not something to own and push around and in order for that to happen Claire needed to stand up to him and not be afraid and her receiving that package was the catalyst for that.

After I finished reading Truth I was heartbroken and once again after reading Behind His Eyes – Truth I was equally heartbroken even knowing how everything turns out.  This was such a great book and it’s amazing to once again delve into Tony’s devious mind and see how things played out from his perspective.  

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