Summary: Sex with a mysterious stranger aboard a train leads Rita Holly to an initiation into the exclusive and secretive Mount club. Sophisticated and deviant rituals await Rita, as do the endless intrigues and power struggles deep within the heart of the organization.Rita learns that membership of the Mount Club is not for the sexually repressed. During her initiation, sex with her new lover from the train, Edward, is forbidden but Alex the dance instructor is happy to take his place and Leo the zoo keeper is happy to encourage Rita's animal instincts. With more and more titillating punishments in store and the club's sexy head Vivienne intent on her failing, will Holly succeed in her lengthy and lurid initiation?
Rating: 2.5 Stars (Hot sex but story is lacking)
"Sex is the depth of our animal nature and the highest mount of our divinity. It is our inheritance, our birthright."

Cons: I struggled with my decision on this book because there were times that I enjoyed this book but overall, I was not crazy about it. The Initiation of Ms. Holly opens up with a scene involving sex on a train with a complete stranger (and a chocolate truffle) and the whole time I am thinking, I would punch this guy in the face if he tried this with me. Multiple times, I had to step back and accept that this story was fantasy and K.D. Grace was going to take me to unrealistic, far out places.

Next on my TBR List: ARC copy of Hot Shots by Anne Marsh, Lynn LaFleur and Stacey Kennedy
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