Saturday, December 14, 2013

Laura’s Review of Lover Unleashed (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #9) by J.R. Ward

Basic Summary:  Payne twin sister of Vishous, is cut from the same dark, warrior cloth as her brother: A fighter by nature, and a maverick when it comes to the traditional role of Chosen females, there is no place for her on the Far Side…and no role for her on the front lines, either.

                When she suffers a paralyzing injury, human surgeon Dr. Manuel Manello is called in to treat her as only her can-and he soon gets sucked into her dangerous, secret world.  Although he never before belived in things that gobump in the night—like vampires—he finds himself more than willing to be seduced by the powerful female who makes both his body and his soul.

                As the two find so much more than an erotic connection, the human and vampire worlds collide…just as a centuries old score catches up with Payne and puts both her love and her life in deadly jeopardy.

What I Love About This Book:   Well of course I love everything about the Black Dagger Brotherhood, because it consists of some pretty hot vampires and some blistering sex scenes.  I love the ups and downs of Jane and Vishous’ relationship, any storyline that consists of couples who love each other fighting and getting back together and then fighting I’m a huge fan of!  Vishous has always been one of my favorite characters in this series, so I was happy to have him back in the mix as far as storylines go.  This book isn’t just the love story of Payne and Manny, it also explores Vishous’ past and issues that revolve around his parents and the abuse he endured when he was younger. 

                I really like Payne as a character because like Xhex from the previous book she breaks the mold of the other females in this series.  She is a beautiful seductive female, but a fighter and a killer none the less.  She isn’t just strong mentally and emotionally, she’s strong and formidable physically as well.  Her past and upbringing is just as compelling as her twin Vishous’ past.   I love that she is lethal but has a wide innocence when she experiences the outside world for the first time, and how she goes for anything she wants and no one can hold her back.  She is stubborn, and violent at times but sexy and feminine at others and I love her versatility. 

           Qhuinn’s storyline in this book just absolutely breaks my heart; I just feel soooooo bad for him.  He’s in the closet, but not really wanting to be there and the inner struggle he goes through on a daily basis because of it is heartbreaking.  As much as this is karma, and he’s finally the one pining away for Blaylock, you still want him to be happy.  Qhuinn has always been the character that you just root for every time because his whole life hasn’t found a way to fit in anywhere.  His family rejected him and then all of them were murdered, his best friend tells him he loves him but he can’t say it back, he gets kicked out of training school for protecting his friend.  There is not real establishment of what he wants in his life, he lives in the Brotherhood mansion in a room with nothing he’s picked out for himself or remodeled it in a way that represent him.  His job is to protect John Matthew and outside of that there is not life, he used to get drunk and have random sex but now he has to figure what type of a man he wants to be in the future, and he’s finding it very hard to figure this all out.  

Cons:  The main story line in this book is between Payne and Manny but I feel like there is so much drama with Vishous and Jane that that story line overshadows what is happening between Payne and Manny.  For some reason for me their love story didn’t peak my interest as much as the side stories did, I felt like the roller coaster of emotions I was feeling when I read this book was because of all the supporting characters stories and not the main one.  Like all the books in this series there is so much going on in this book, but the main story didn’t hold my attention the way the past book did.  I like that this book didn’t really deal with lesser and you didn’t get their POV like we have with some of the books, but I didn’t feel sucked in with Payne and Manny at all.  Also I felt like their progression just took forever, there were just too many bumps in the road for them.  The book is about 500 pages and by page 390 they still hadn’t had sex (at least on my kindle version, pages vary otherwise).  It took too long to establish a foundation for them to fight for and it became a little frustrating after a while. 

Overall:    Once again J.R. Ward has put together a great story and added more to this world of vampires, ghosts, immortals, and lessers.  It was great not have any POV from the Lessening Society this time around because sometimes I need a break from them.  I like the new group of deadly vampires added to their world called the Band of Bastards.  You kind of really dislike at them first even and you kind of dislike them a little less towards the end, even though I feel like they’re a little barbaric and ignorant when it comes to the modern world around them.  I like that we got to revisit past characters like Vishous and Jane, but I have yet to read a story that really involves Mary and Rhage and I miss them so much!!! Like I said before Payne and Manny’s drama wasn’t enough to pull me away from the supporting stories though they weren’t completely compelling to me.  Nonetheless this book was a definite page turner and I absolutely love this series and love getting sucked into the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.  

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