Lauren's Review of Mine (Real #2) By Katy Evans
Wow! It has been a while my friends! Life is getting pretty busy and I am struggling to find time to sit down and read. I am not going to include a summary since you can see it in Laura's earlier review of Mine. Normally, we post underneath each other when we read the same book but since some of my views differ from Laura's, I decided to do a separate post. Plus, I have not posted since October.
Rating: 4 Stars
What I Loved: First off, I loved the playlist! Something about an author adding music to the story helps me connect with the characters. By telling us what is on their playlist, it gives us an inside look at who they really are by the songs they chose to listen to. So kudos for that! Now let's be honest here, the real reason why this book got four stars...REMY freaking TATE! He can take over my mouth anytime! I adore how protective he is of her and how when all his fans are screaming for him, his eyes are on Brooke. Not going to lie, I skipped some pages when Remy and Brooke were separated because I wanted my Remy fix :) He is one of my favorite book boyfriends and he kept me intrigued the entire book. Also, plenty of good drama!!
Cons: I talked with Laura before I read this book, so I don't know if this would have bothered me if she didn't point it out and I knew to look for it BUT it was excessive so I am sure I would have noticed. Some of the book is repetitive. For example in the beginning of the book, on one page alone, Brooke mentions Remy's eyes being blue about 6 times. Now, I get the idea of Remy's eyes and the connection to his BP but still, it was a monotonous. We get it! He has sexy blue eyes :)
Hot scenes: Absence definitely makes the heart grown fonder! Lots of hot and heavy sex when these two reunite!
Next Book: Playing for Keeps (Neighborhood from Hell #1) by R.L Mathewson
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