Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Laura’s Reivew of Jacked Up (Bowed Boys, #4) by Elle Aycart

Since James Bowen married Elle Cooper’s sister, tall dark and handsome Jack Copeland has become a permanent fixture in Elle’s life. A silent, rather annoying fixture, with his arrogant aloofness and my-way-or-the-highway attitude rubbing her the wrong way. So she does what any self-respecting woman would: aggravate the wits out of him for fun.

Party girl Elle Cooper is everything covert operative Jack Copeland doesn’t want in a woman. Outspoken, sassy. A smartass. Too bad when he closes his eyes, all his mind conjures is her. To everyone else, he comes off as intimidating and unapproachable. Everyone except Elle. So he does what any self-respecting man would: stay the hell away from her. But when Elle gets herself in deep trouble, all of Jack’s protective instincts kick in and keeping his distance is no longer an option.

With Jack and Elle in such close proximity, sparks are flying all over and it’s only a matter of time before they ignite. The only question is, who will kill Elle first, the vicious drug cartel hunting her or Jack?
What I Loved
        I was so excited to jump right back into the crazy world of the Bowens and the Coopers and after finishing this I truly believe Elle is the craziest of them all (in a purely good way).  I truly am in awe of this girl and still don’t know where she gets all this energy from! Elle is like the energizer bunny, she just keeps going and going and going.  The sexual tension between Elle and Jack was apparent from the other books so I couldn’t wait to FINALLY get to their story and I certainly wasn’t disappointed.

          I totally loved all the silly emails that Elle sent Jack while he was away and how he read them religiously even though he knew he shouldn’t.  Also, I really loved their nicknames for each other getting me more emotionally involved in the plot.  Plus, no matter the danger circling Elle I couldn’t wait for them to be alone so he could kiss her into silence and then eventually screw her into submission.  The sex scenes always left me hot and I loved every second of it!

          No Bowen story is complete without suspense and danger and there was a TON of that in this one with a couple surprises along the way as well.  Jack might not have always been the perfect man and far from the perfect gentlemen but he was definitely the hero when it came to Elle.  Jack wasn’t the only the hero though, Elle saved him just as much as he saved her and I think that’s what I loved most about this story.
Not So Much
          I really don’t have any huge complaints about this book.  Although, there were a lot of times that things were a little too predictable although still suspenseful.  Also, I do wish that Jack would’ve snapped out of it sooner.  The rudeness became grating at times, I understood his reasoning behind actions but it was just so constant it became too repetitive.  Maybe just roll it back next time and give the reader more of what Jack and Elle’s future looks like rather than a very slim glance of it. 

To Sum It All Up!
          Once again Elle Aycart has written another amazing story to add to this awesome series!  Jack and Elle’s story has intrigued me for a while so I was excited to jump into their love story and see how everything began for these two and go from there.  The chemistry between these two characters poured off the pages anytime they laid eyes on each other even if it was for only minutes at a time. 

Elle was an easy character to fall in love with, I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a father and a brother.  To watch her come to terms with that even if it was years later was heart breaking at times and it just made me love her even more.  Jack was a little harder to love but I did eventually anyway, he had his own issues to deal with and had built walls around his heart for his own reasons.  The scenes between these two made me blush at times, while at other, made me laugh at loud.  Elle’s personality fed off Jack’s so well and vice versa it made for the perfect storm of sexual tension, humor and pure annoyance.  I loved every second of it!

There was a ton of action as well, especially towards the end with a lot of close calls.  There were a few things that I felt were predictable and saw coming a mile away.  While there were others that were a little surprising and definitely suspenseful.  I really did love the ending between Elle and Jack and I would’ve liked to have seen more of their future together.  I love that the very end sets you up for the next story coming up in the series that also had me cracking up!
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