Friday, February 26, 2016

Soulless (King, #4) by T.M. Frazier Blog Tour & Giveaway!!!

 Soulless is Live!!!

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What I Loved
               The first book ended with my jaw on the ground going, “What the, What?!?!” and of course me needing to know what was going to happen next!! The second book began with the prologue which laid out the plot for what was to come and what has already happened.  I like that it explained where Bear was, what he’s been going though and where exactly he is now.  The story does pick up right where the first one left off after that; with Bear in jail and Thia stuck waiting for him.  It was so easy to feel how broken these two characters were apart from each other and how much they missed each other because of how well the story was written.  It was frustrating for me as a reader for them to be apart which just proved how enthralled I was with this story.

             Of course their time apart didn’t last long and when they finally laid eyes on each other again it of course nothing less than extremely dramatic and sexy as hell! The heat that boiled between them in the first book comes roaring back to life and I was just as excited for them to rip each other clothes off as they were.  I absolutely love Bear and Thia and this story just made me fall even more and more in love with both of them.  Bear is sexy as hell, and Thia is nothing less than awesome!! When I came to the end I just wanted more of the two of them so badly.

Not So Much
          I really don’t have any huge complaints.  I did see some inconsistencies at times and some plot holes as well.  There was a scene that Thia and Bear are together and it wasn’t very clear as to where they were; whether it was the apartment above King’s garage or Thia’s house and because of that the flow felt a little broken.  This was a rough draft though so those little things might not be in the final draft and they certainly didn’t take anything away from the story.  The only huge thing that bothered me was that there was a lot of guns going off and bodies and blood and it just seemed little too far-fetched that no civilians were around to notice.  This could be because I live in a very crowded state so it’s hard for me to imagine someone being shot and no one calling the police or even hearing it. 

To Sum It All Up!
       Overall this was truly another amazing story by T.M. Frazier that had so many twists and turns I couldn’t put the book down.  I was once again sucked into this dark world of MCs and violence and I loved every minute of it.  Also, I loved the character development of both Bear and Thia.  These were two souls that were kind of just wandering around in the world, not really living but going through the day to day motions.  It was so amazing to not only see them fall in love but to find their own purpose and what they want out of life.  I love that together they found happiness and went after it at all costs.  

          For me what also made this book amazing was that Thia was a badass chick!  She wasn’t some passive inexperienced little girl who needed to be saved time and time again.  She knew how to hold her own and shoot a gun when need be.  She was one determined strong minded woman, and I’m a sucker for strong female leads. 

          No dark romance would be complete without tons of danger and even more blood and this story had that and so much more!  There were so many bombs dropped at the end that my eyes were bugging out of my head because I couldn’t believe it all!  There some parts that I had tears in my eyes and some other very bittersweet moments.  I loved this story so much I couldn’t put it down the second I began reading it and ended it with a huge book hangover.  I’m sad to say goodbye to these guys but happy that they all get their happily ever after.  I probably won’t forget Ray, King, Bear and Thia for a very long time.

I was mad at the world, at the whiskey for not being strong enough, at the drugs for not lasting long enough, at the fucking whores I banged for not getting me off when it was my fault my dick was fucking useless after a bucket of fucking blow. I went so far as to be pissed at random people on the street for laughing or smiling when I felt like I’d never be able to smile or laugh again.

How dare they?

How fucking dare they be move on with their lives like my friend hadn’t just died.

I was on the verge of losing what little sanity I had left when I rode out of Logan's Beach and set off to find a place, or places, where I could numb myself against the feelings that followed me from town to town, cheap motel to cheap motel, girl to girl, high to fucking high.
Then, this pink haired girl from the past came barreling into my life and it was like for the first time, I’d found a purpose. A real genuine purpose and not just some shit Chop spewed out as orders that I and every other member of the Beach Bastards took as bible, but a true reason to live again.

To WANT to live again.

Someone to live for.

Ti was my chance at some sort of real happiness when Lord fucking knows I had no idea what that really was before her. The only glimpses of real genuine happiness I'd ever had came courtesy of Preppy, King, and of course Grace. Like when King tattooed us for the first time and we loved them, even though they were crooked and downright fucking awful. Like when Grace made me my very first birthday cake. Like the time King Prep and I sat at the top of the water tower and thought the world was ours to take.
Because at that time, it was.

Then there was Ti and my new happiness became the first time I saw her smile. The first time I kissed her. The first time I tasted her pussy by the fire. The first time she let me inside of her, shamelessly pushing through her virginity in a frantic need to make her mine.
Because that's what she was.

That's what she would always be.

And I will kill every motherfucker who dares to try and take her from me.

Haven’t read this series yet?
Lawless (King, #3)

Meet the Author
T.M. Frazier is a USA TODAY bestselling author. She resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and young daughter. When she's not writing she loves talking to her readers, country music, reading, and traveling. Her debut novel, The Dark Light of Day was published in September of 2013 and when she started writing it she intended for it to be a light beachy romance. has a beach in it!

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