Tuesday, January 5, 2016

In the Wind By Lilliana Anderson Release Day Blitz & Giveaway!!

In the Wind
By Lilliana Anderson
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary
Out January 5, 2016


A storm raged the day she moved to our small town on the east coast of Australia. When we saw her, she was staring up at the sky with her arms outstretched, letting the torrential rain pour down on her as she laughed and spun around with absolute abandonment. Zeke and I watched her, mesmerised, until she spotted us and went still. It was that moment that everything changed for us. Up until that moment, Zeke and I were best friends - it was all we'd ever been, even though I’d always wanted more. Shea changed all that when she moved into the house next door.

If there was such a thing as magic then Shea held its source. She was light and laughter and everything everyone ever wished they could be. We were spellbound. Awestruck. Desperate to bathe in her light.

She would teach us about life. She would show us what was really inside our hearts, while forcing us to see the world through her free-spirited eyes.

She would teach us about love.
She would teach us about heartache.
She would teach us about loss on the day she disappeared...

She always said that one day she'd follow the wind again. Perhaps that's what happened, perhaps that's where she went - in the wind...

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Meet the Author
Bestselling New Adult Romance Author, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism the world has to offer. Australian born and bred, she writes romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters.

Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it's outback and tries to show characters in more of a city setting.

When she isn't writing, she wears the hat of 'wife and mother' to her husband and four children. Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university. Originally from Sydney's Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.

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