Friday, December 18, 2015

Laura’s Review of Kian by Tijan

Dark. Mysterious. Gorgeous.
Loved by all the girls.
Respected by all the guys.
...that was Kian Maston.

As the heir to a billion dollar empire, his future was promising until the day he saved my life. Everything changed for both of us, and there was one more word that could be used to describe him—dangerous.

The nation fell in love with him while falling in hate with me. He was sent to prison, and as far as they were concerned, it was my fault. I was forced to go into hiding until today.

Kian's being released from prison, and he should go back to being the golden boy he always was supposed to be. I should remain in hiding, living my life as normal as could be.

That's what we should do... 
What I Loved
          This was my first Tijan novel and I had a feeling that I would love this author so I went into this book with high expectations and I wasn’t disappointed in the least.  I loved that the beginning immediately threw you into the plot, but at the same time building a strong foundation for how this story was going to go.  Joslyn/Jordan grabs your attention from the start, for me felt real and grounded making her easily relatable.  To me, Joslyn/Jordan just seemed so lost not only because she has had to assume a new identity but because she hasn’t really every found her place in the world.  I think that’s what sucked me into this story the most because you instantly fall for this lost girl.  There was so much missing in Joslyn’s life and that’s where the gorgeous mysterious Kian steps in. 

          Before you even meet Kian he grabs your attention, this illusive rich man has just gotten out of jail and god only knows what kind of man he has turned out to be. Anytime he left of a scene I instantly needed more Kian in my life. 

The chemistry between Kian and Joslyn is unmistakable and when they lay eyes on each other you can feel their emotions bubbling over.  I loved that throughout most of the book you trust Kian but not entirely and you have certain opinions about him but at any minute you know that could all change.  It keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing the entire time and I love books that do that.
Not So Much
          I think my only complaint is that I wish there was a little bit more backstory as far as what Kian & Jordan was like in High School.  Instead of just being told I would’ve liked to have experienced some of it. Also maybe learning more about Kian when he was jail would’ve been nice.  It’s rarely mentioned what his life has been like for the last couple years.  I feel like a young man, going into prison would have a huge impact on his life and it’s not really talked about.  Maybe just a little bit more detail would’ve been great when it came to their pasts.

To Sum It All Up!

          Overall, this was an awesome story! I absolutely loved every second of it and when it was over I wanted more.  Like I said before this was my first Tijan book and it definitely won’t be my last.  Jordan and Kian’s story is so compelling and to watch Joslyn’s life unravel before her eyes was heart breaking at times and freeing at others.

 I loved that the plot keeps you guessing until the very end, you’re not completely sure if you should trust Kian.  You’re not sure if he has his own agenda and if this will all blow up in Jordan’s face for trusting him.  Also, I loved the chemistry between them because it sucks you in to their story and you just want both of them to find some sort of happiness.  

I loved the character development especially when it came to Jordan, how she finally found her place in life and by doing that finally accepting her past and to enable her to move on to a bright future.  I really liked the buildup of the climax and details of the plot, it was easy to imagine Joslyn and Erica’s apartment or Kian’s hotel suite.  I loved that not only were the main characters written well, but the supporting ones were also.  When Erica’s feelings get hurt you feel that right along with her and that was great.  This was an awesome standalone filled with some suspense, friendship, and lots of love.  I can’t wait to get my hands on another Tijan book.

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