Sunday, December 27, 2015

Laura’s Review of An Indecent Proposal: The Interview (Indecent Proposal, #1) by J.C. Reed & Jackie S. Steele

It was supposed to be easy.
Hire a professional actor to play my fake fiancé.
But when he steps in front of my door to pick me up for The Interview, my heart stops. Chase Wright is perfect. And hot. I mean like, burn up your dress hot. However, Chase isn't professional at all. I hate what he does to me with his sinfully sexy blue eyes. I hate that he wants me in his bed.

One month…that’s all I need him for. All I have to do is stay out of his bed.

But the rules slowly begin to change. My fake fiancé suddenly becomes my fake husband. When Chase offers me an indecent proposal, it's too late to fire him.
It's too late to decline.

Authors note:
Full-length novel. Due to sexy, steamy situations only for readers 18+
Includes free prequel novella THAT GUY 
What I Loved
        This was a very intriguing story that keeps you guessing through most of the plot.  The prologue sucks you in immediately and you are instantly intrigued by Laurie and her experiences.  She divulges these secrets to a complete stranger and you want to dig deep to find all that Laurie is hiding.  Her story definitely keeps you hooked through much of the first installment.

        Chase is a character that immediately hooks you because of his sexiness that oozes off him constantly.  He has seduced me pretty quickly and held my attention throughout the entire novel.  It’s obvious he has some secrets of his own and as much as I want to find them out I also want to rip his clothes off and spend a wild night in bed with him.  He’s definitely the most complex character in this series so far and the more I read the more I want me some more Chase in my life.
Not So Much
         I felt like this book was very unorganized and the plot fell apart at times.  The prologue instantly hooks you but throughout the rest of the story what happened in the prologue is not mentioned once.  I get that this will all come out as the series moves along but for such a significant event to happen in a person’s life it didn’t make sense to not even have a thought about it.  It kind of just left the prologue out there hanging and the me scratching my head.

        Also Laurie was not the most likable of main characters.  I get where this girl is coming from, she’s seen a lot of distrust and betrayal in her life so she doesn’t want to fall into the trap of love.  But her stance even though is wishy washy at times becomes annoying and frustrating making her less relatable and likable.  There was a lot of inconsistencies with her as well; she doesn’t trust her Step Father but ultimately believes he wants her to be happy.  Which is it?  Is he an evil man who can’t be trusted or a man you never got along with but overall just wants you to find love?
To Sum It All Up!

        Overall the plot was original enough that I really had no clue where this story was going to go and I like books that keep me guessing.  The intensity is ramped up towards the end so you immediately want to start reading the next one to find out what is going to happen next.  But the plot just didn’t have enough organization to it, and at times felt like it was all over the place.  Laurie was attracted to Chase one minute, close to begging him to screw her then the next minute she will never touch him again.  There’s a difference between going back and forth and character development and her constant back and forth is frustrating and doesn’t reflect any sort of development or complexity to her character.  I don’t particularly like books that make the female character not as likable and don’t give her the same attention as far as physical descriptions go, as they do the males.  I get that the audience is mostly females that read these kinds of books and women love sexy men, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want strong female leads who deserve as much attention as their male counterparts. I do want to read the next book to find out more about Chase and Laurie but I hope the plot is stronger and more organized as the series moves along.

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