Saturday, December 19, 2015

Laura’s Review of Indebted Epilogue (Indebted, #7) by Pepper Winters

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, & USA Today Bestselling Dark Romance Series.

INDEBTED EPILOGUE is a bonus book to be read after:
Debt Inheritance
First Debt
Second Debt
Third Debt
Fourth Debt
Final Debt

“Life after death…love after debts…is it possible after so much pain?”

No information will be given so no spoilers are slipped, but if you enjoyed the Indebted Series, you'll want to read this final edition.
What I Loved
          I think what I loved most about this epilogue is that the atmosphere is completely different from the other books.  This one is full of hope, love and growth, rather than violence, games and lies.  Everything you ever wanted for Jethro and Nila and so much more comes to fruition in this story.  It was wonderful not only to see Jethro and Nila finally make a life for themselves but Jasmine and Vaughn as well.  The loss of Kestrel and other loved ones is still felt throughout the story but it’s nice to see that their sacrifices meant something and the living have carried that with them.

          From the very beginning all I wanted to see was Jasmine and Jethro together and happy, so to finally see all of that come true was so wonderful.  It was cute to see how much Jethro has changed over the years and I loved that the epilogue skipped ahead several years so you don’t get to see them in just one moment in their lives but at several moments over the years. 
Not So Much
           I have absolutely no complaints because I loved this series so much.  I maybe would’ve liked more detail about Jasmine and Vaughn though.  I really began to like them together as the series moved along and you get their point of views a little bit but I would’ve liked more.  It was great seeing their relationship grow, especially in the epilogue but I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to them.  I wasn’t really ready to say goodbye to any of these characters because this series was just so amazing.
To Sum It All Up!
          Overall this was a very pleasant way to end such a dark dramatic series.  I think after everything that has happened to these characters it was nice to have closure in a happy way to their lives.  It was so wonderful to see Jethro and Nila make all the negative memories disappear with and replace the darkness in Hawksridge with love and light.  They were able to learn from their past and move on to something so much better than they ever dreamed possible.  Also, I thought it was so great to see that the chemistry between Jethro and Nila hasn’t died in the least and the passion between them is there just as much as it was the day they laid eyes on each other.  The bond between them is unwavering and has gotten so much stronger over the years. 

             This series overall has captivated me, every single book had my heart pounding and my eyes bulging NEEDING to know what was going to happen next.  I love stories that I really have no clue how it would all end each and every single book in this series kept me guessing.  There was a lot of dark moments throughout the series but the entire time you root for the good guys to prevail and when they finally do you rejoice right along with them.  I love bittersweet books because they take hold of your emotions and keep you hooked to the story the entire time.  Pepper Winters writes such compelling plots that can bring you to the lowest lows and then to the highest highs.  I can’t wait to see what Pepper Winters writes next because so far I am head over heels in love with her.  The Monsters in the Dark series captured me but the Indebted series hooked me!  

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