Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Illicit Temptations By Janine Infante Bosco Book Blitz & Giveaway!!!

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Illicit Temptations
By Janine Infante Bosco

Illicit Temptations EBOOK FOR WEB_1
Michael Valente

My father was the underboss of an organized crime family. He was murdered when I was a teenager leaving me broken. My mother died in a tragic accident, her death annihilated me. My life was in shambles until Victor Pastore, one of New York’s most notorious gangsters and my late father’s best friend, recruited me to work for him.

Everyone expected me to walk in my father’s shadow, to be the prodigal son, the next big thing to hit the mob. I was torn between filling those expectations and walking the straight line my mother wished I had. Nothing made sense and I felt as if I was just passing through life.

The only beacon of light in my otherwise dark world was the one girl that was off limits to me. The one girl who could bring me to my knees consuming my mind, body and soul.

She’s the sweetest temptation I’ve ever known and the most illicit.

Nikki Pastore

My father’s a gangster. My boyfriend’s is the king of New York’s night clubs. I am often labeled as Vic’s daughter or Rico’s girl, never just Nikki. I struggle for people to acknowledge me for the woman I am and not for the men in my life. I’m fighting a losing battle.

There is only one person who sees me for me, my Mikey.

He’s wild.

He’s reckless.

He’s hot as hell.

He’s completely unattainable but oh so tempting.

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                He set his coffee mug on the counter before stepping precariously close.

          “Say it again.” He demanded, barely audible. He was close, too close hogging up all my air. I planted my palms on his chest and pushed.

          “You’re a dick.” I hissed. He closed his hand around my wrist and leaned against the counter tugging on my wrist pulling me against him. I wriggled my hand free, but he took hold of my hips and flipped us around so that my back was against the counter. He let go of my hips bracing one hand on each side of me as he gripped the edge of the counter and boxed me in.

          “Christ that mouth of yours will be the death of me.” He said huskily, his eyes diverting back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

          “I wouldn’t be so sure about that considering bullets were flying passed your head last night.” I said my voice sounding raspy. I cleared my throat, wishing I didn’t sound so much like a phone sex operator. I was mad at him, my voice should sound angry not sexy. I let my eyes wander his body because I was the queen of mistakes. How was it that even in a rumpled suit he looked so enticing? I conceded that there was definitely something wrong with me. I was engaging in this ridiculous sexual tension while we were hiding out in a safe house waiting on word for why the hell we were shot at in the first place. My mind should’ve been on my dickhead ex-boyfriend trying to figure out what his part in all this was but instead I was itching to hump Mikey’s leg like a bitch in heat.

          “It didn’t work did it Princess?” He said looking down as my body betrayed me and arched slightly to his craving his touch. He smiled coyly giving me what I needed wedging his leg in between mine.

          “What?” I croaked closing my eyes because Naughty Nikki the phone sex operator was back. Yes, I now named my alter ego.

          “Staying away from me, pretending this thing between you and I didn’t exist wishing that it hadn’t just been a phone call that sent you over the edge, it didn’t work did it?” His voice sounded so controlled making me resent him and fight the urge to knee him in the balls. “In fact, I’d say it backfired right in your pretty little face.” He nuzzled the side of my neck, pushing away my hair with his nose, his lips grazing my skin ever so slightly. “Should I do it Nikki? Should I slip my fingers under your skirt and see how much it didn’t work?”

           His hands began to fumble with the hemline of my skirt and I thought about stopping him but I didn’t want to. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to fuck me up against this counter, but I’d settle for his hand.

          “Should I dip my fingers into that pussy of yours? Tell me Princess are you wet?” He whispered, taking my earlobe between his lips giving it a tantalizing suck. He shifted his body slightly pressing his erection against my thigh. I involuntarily wrapped my fingers around his wrist guiding his hand under my skirt.

          “Are you going to let me watch you come this time, or are you going to be a coward again?” He asked, his words sounding like a dare.

Did he really just call me a coward?

His fingertips worked along my thigh inching closer and closer… almost there.

What was I saying?

          I was a second away from taking his finger and sticking it inside my aching pussy myself, but the front door of the cabin slammed open. Mikey’s hand dropped away from me and he reached behind him for the gun that was tucked into the back of his pants. I didn’t know if it was because of my current state or if I had simply lost my mind, but watching Mike holding a gun was incredibly sexy. His muscles were all taut as his arms extended pointing the gun at the intruder… my father.

Meet the Author
Janine Infante Bosco lives in New York City, she has always loved reading and writing. When she was thirteen, she began to write her own stories and her passion for writing took off as the years went on. At eighteen, she even wrote a full screenplay with dreams of one day becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

Janine writes emotionally charged novels with an emphasis on family bonds, strong willed female characters, and alpha male men who will do anything for the women they love. She loves to interact with fans and fellow avid romance readers like herself.

Janine is doing a special giveaway for people who post their order number and a link to a review for this book on this form in the next two weeks. You will win a lovely Michael Kors clutch purse!

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