Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Affairs of the Heart Box Set Blog Tour & Giveaway has arrived!!

Paper Gold Publishing Presents ...
15 full-length Novels and Novellas
for your reading pleasure.

Rene Folsom ~~~ Game Changer (Playing Games #1)
Lucy Gage ~~~ Time to Begin (Ward Sisters #5)
Sydney Aaliyah Michelle ~~~ Hope For Her
Felicia Tatum ~~~ Entangled Souls
Susan Griscom ~~~ Beautifully Wounded
Lynda Kaye Frazier ~~~ Leather Chaps and Broken Promises
Elaine May ~~~ Lies and Truth
Anne Conley ~~~ The Fixer Upper
Rachael Orman ~~~ Addict; Her Ride
Desiree A. Cox ~~~ Unselfish Love
Sarah M. Cradit ~~~ Surrender
Julie Elizabeth Powell ~~~ Misadventures of Fatwoman
H A Kay ~~~ Love Me Do
Ella Medler ~~~ Trial Run

Buy Now
Amazon US

Meet the authors - A short interview
Tell me some fun facts about yourself that we won't find in your bio. Do you have any bucket list items you'd like to complete by the end of 2015?

Julie Elizabeth Powell - I try to squeeze in card and jewelry making, and love creating 3-D art and my book covers. My favorite place is Magic Kingdom in Florida. I want to live in Cinderella's castle. Bucket list (an impossible dream unless I sell millions of books) to live opposite a sea view, preferably somewhere warm - hey, it could happen by the end of the year, lol. #2 - finish the list of writing projects.

Sydney Aaliyah Michelle - I have 15 stars tattooed on my back to represent the 15 countries that I've visited and/or lived in. I ran/walked/crawled the Hong Kong 1/2 marathon in 2010. With two full time jobs as an office manager and a writer, I don't have spare time, but I give myself permission to watch reality television and count it as research into the human condition. haha. I have two favorite cities. London, which I visited for the first time in High School and where I lived for two summers during undergrad and graduate school. Tokyo, I spent four days there and it is on the top of my list of places to return to.

Anne Conley - I like to vacation anywhere there's a beach, and frequently take walks around my 80 acres of country-bumpkin pastureland. I'm a country girl at heart and pride myself in not having a bucket list, just being happy with what I've got. Although, I really would like to be on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

Elaine May - I'd love to go to Australia one day. I love Florida and would live there if I could as I'm a massive Disney Fan. I would love to visit every Disney Park and I'm in love with New York. I've jumped out of a plane and had both my hips replaced.

Lucy Gage - I do a variety of things: read, dance, garden, crafts, camp, hike, snowshoe, ice skate, swim, fish, boat, hang at the beach and of course, read. My favorite place to vacation away from where I live (I live in Vacationland, after all), is Hawaii. One bucket list item is a trip to Ireland, which will happen in 2016! So, that's a goal this year. The other item is launching my next series, a spin-off of the current one. It will explore non-traditional relationships in a traditional romance novel format.

Susan Griscom - I like to go wine tasting with friends or just the hubs, also love to ski, ride bikes around the lake and oh yeah, read. My favorite vacation spot is Bora Bora. I went there on my honeymoon and so did a couple of my characters. I'd like to finish two more books by the end of this year and also lose 10 pounds. Both tasks are like climbing Mount Everest, but I'm working on them.

Linda Kaye Parker - Between my full time job, full time family and writing my spare time is limited so I fill it with books and movies. I love read, but love going to the movies more.

Rene Folsom - Spare time fun - Outdoor sports like fishing, hunting, and even combining the two (like gator hunting)
- Favorite vacation spot - anywhere there's water
- Two bucket list items by the end of the year - NYT bestseller and to achieve my goal weight

Felicia Tatum - Spare time-sleep and read, and my goals before the end of the year are to lose at least 50 lbs and publish 4 more books, one of which is a novella.

Ella Medler - Survival in any shape or form is my hobby. Since childhood, I've been fascinated with any and all adventure-type programs and books. During my university days, I made it an every-weekend habit to take a train to the nearest mountains and simply walk over them. Yes, alone. No, I didn't have a map. One summer holiday I traveled across Europe, visiting approximately 50 different places in several countries - slept on the train at night between two cities, walked the streets during the day. Simply repeated that pattern for two months. Rome was the only city that captured my attention for more than one day.

Spare time is something my family forces me into every now and then, for Christmas or a birthday celebration. When I do step away from the computer, it's usually to play with my dogs or drive aimlessly down narrow single-track roads, just to see where they lead. I love the countryside, and my current location is a dream come true - the last house on the South Ireland coast, just before you fall into the sea, accessible only via a single muddy track that goes for miles over empty fields.

I picture myself running a Writer's Retreat in my old age, and that is my ultimate dream. If you're still around, you are all welcome to visit.

Sarah M. Cradit - My two passions outside of writing are world travel and historical research. I've been to over 20 countries, and have written essays on the Tudors/Plantagenets, Mary Queen of Scots, The Ptolemies, and Napoleon.

Spare time: What's that?! If I find myself with spare time outside of everything else, I am probably catching up on some sleep.

Favorite Vacation Spot: In the US, New Orleans. In the broader world, the British Isles.

Accomplish Before End of Year: Publish two more books in the House of Crimson & Clover series.

Rachael Orman - I am a former Marine. That's where I met my husband of 10 years. I'm also a Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor for 10 years now, which is exciting. If I could go anywhere in the entire world I would go to Italy. I went there once when I was about 16 and I would love to return to share the experience with my husband, but with two little girls I doubt that will happen anytime soon. My goal by the end of 2015 is to have 20 published works. Since my 18th is with my editor and I already know what my 19th will be, I'm pretty sure that is an obtainable goal.

H.A. Kay - I'm a mom of four, I don't have spare time. All my time is used up doing one thing or another. Fun fact: I love cartoons, and my kitchen counter doubles as my writing desk. I write blogs/books while I cook, do the dishes, clean house. Me and my laptop are on the go 24/7. My favorite vacation spot ... don't have one. We like to visit new places each vacation and we're still discovering the many wonders of our world. All I ask for is great accommodation. Bucket list - complete book 2 in my fantasy trilogy and my second chiklit novel and have these out by year's end.

Desiree A. Cox - I love to travel. Miami is my favorite place so far, you can't beat the beaches and the warm water. But the West Coast is such a beautiful place. My husband and I drove up the Pacific Coast Highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco a couple of years ago.  We're going to drive from San Francisco up to Seattle along the coast in a couple of weeks.  I'm very excited about the trip.  We don't have reservations anywhere.  We've marked out a lot of restaurants along the way, plus some sight-seeing (thanks to my FB friends). We used to travel for amusement parks when the kids were young, now we travel for food and wine. Goals by the end of the year? I guess I need to get Reclaimed By Desire, book three in the trilogy, done.

What genre(s) do you write, when did you publish your first book, and what do you do to prepare to write a story?

Julie Elizabeth Powell - I write in a variety of genres from fantasy to crime to humour, horror, mystery adventure, psychological thriller and non-fiction. Also for adults and children. I like to challenge my writing and would be bored with the same thing all the time.

Gone was my first novel, a fantasy (2000), written in answer to the question, Where had my daughter gone? after she was severely brain damaged at the age of two and surviving in torment for a further 17 years. Who she had been vanished, her essence, if you like, wiped clean leaving nothing but a shell. So I created a world a went in search of her. Gone is the result. It is not a morbid read but rather addresses those tangled feelings. It is also an adventure, a journey where choices must be made...and contains humour (if British humour). I think it is inspirational and would help others too. I would also say it is unique.

Sydney Aaliyah Michelle - Contemporary and New Adult Romance. My debut novel was released June of 2014. I am a huge planner. I outline, scene lists, character sketches, scene sketches. I prep. everything and get to know my story backwards and forward and then it leaves me with a smoother creative processes when I sit down to write the first draft.

Anne Conley - I write romance--Contemporary, erotic, suspense and paranormal. I've been publishing since 2012, and to prepare I think about the story a lot. I usually work off an outline, but right now I'm trying to change my normal because it isn't working for me. So I'm trying to pants it for the first time ever, and it's a little scary.

Elaine May - I write romantic suspense and dark romantic books which I hope keeps you on your toes. Lies And Truth was self published on the 4th of August 2014. I try to allow a story to form in my head for a few weeks before I start to write it. When I begin I like to have some noise on in the background { t.v }. When I wrote Lies And Truth I had The Fall on in the back ground and when I wrote the love scenes I tried to listen to songs that made me think of Joshie and Isla.

Lucy Gage - My Ward Sisters series is listed in contemporary romance, but it's contemporary romantic fiction. I have several spinoff series planned in that universe: 2 traditional romances, 1 romantic suspense and 1 erotic romance. Another contemporary universe will come along at some point, and I started a sci-fi story, but neither will happen any time soon. And I blog a bit, but that's low-key for now.

I published my first book, Back to December (Ward Sisters, #1), in August 2013 (it should be getting a cover makeover soon). I hate outlining, always have. I do plot, but it's a lot of stuff in my head with the occasional note/email/scene written to keep track of things while I'm not focusing on that story. Because of how my current series is structured, I have a timeline on paper (by book 5, it was easier than looking through every book if I couldn't be certain on something). I'm not 100% a pantser, but I prefer to write organically. Sometimes, that means it takes longer to finish a story, other times, it just flows. The characters dictate the pace. 

Susan Griscom - I write paranormal and contemporary romance. My books range from Young Adult to very steamy and hot adult. I published my first book, Whisper Cape, in October 2011. To prepare to write a new story, I take some time and think about who I want my characters to be and what conflicts I want them to overcome. Mainly the ARC of the story. Then I sort of just write and what ever happens, happens.

Linda Kaye Parker - I write in a few genre's. I have a romantic suspense, couple of contemporary's and YA. My favorite is Romantic Suspense. I published my first book February of 2013. I've never plotted a story, I just wing it. My first story came to me in a dream, I know, quite the cliche, but that's how it all started. I am now publishing my fifth book, with two more almost finished.

Rene Folsom - Genres - contemporary romance, paranormal romance, erotic romance (pretty much any romance sub genre, because I will be tapping into futuristic and western romance sometime soon)

First published - March 2013

Writing preparation - I am a plotter. I sit down with a basic idea and outline my overall story. Then, I do a basic outline of each chapter. I don't worry though if I stray from my outlines because they're just basic ideas to begin with, but they do help me stay on track, at least initially, and keep the story moving when I seem to hit a wall within the writing process. If I ever get stuck, my outlines always pull me through.

Felicia Tatum - What genre(s) do you write? I write YA paranormal romance, NA Fantasy Romance, and NA and contemporary romance. When did you publish your first book? In November 2012. What do you do to prepare to write a story? I sleep because most of my books come to me in dreams.

Ella Medler - If you ignore my childhood and teen ramblings, when I wrote comedy sketches and plays for my friends and I to act (which never made it further than my neighbors' back yards), I first wrote fantasy. That was the first book I decided to shop to UK agents and publishers back in 2010. Based on their recommendations and my perception of the traditional publishing market, I changed to writing thriller.

By then, I'd learned enough about self-publishing to wonder what it would be like to go indie, so I tried it and financially it made much more sense. Also, the more I read, the more I got drawn to other genres, so I decided to try them out as well. I have written horror and romance, paranormal and thrillers, and now I'm trying my hand at mystery and sci-fi. I have written some short stories for anthologies, too, as well as a play for the young arm of my (then) local amateur dramatic society. I then helped produce it. Unpublished, in a drawer, there is a teen mystery novel, more unpublished stories I planned to send to a women's magazine (years ago; not even sure they're still in business), and even a children's storybook written in rhyme. I don't think I'll ever go back to those.

I plan my books, though initially I only have a vague plan of what I mean to happen. Some take more planning than others, mostly because the ramifications of research. The thrillers take me a few days, maybe a week to outline, while a chick-lit would probably take a couple of hours.

Sarah M. Cradit - I write in the Paranormal Southern Gothic sphere, which can sometimes also be categorizes as urban/contemporary fantasy, and also a dabble of romance. I published my first book in fall of 2011, though I've been writing much of my life. I used to be very profiecient in "winging it" with my stories, but, seeing as I write for a single series with lots of complexty, the deeper I fall down the rabbit hole, the more planning is needed. I have dozens of notebooks with bios, histories, family trees, etc. And I do now fully outline my books, but I leave enough flexibility for the story to take its own direction (which happens often).

Rachael Orman - I write Erotic Romance only. I do dabble in numerous sub genres under it, but they are always erotic and usually have at least a bit of romance to them. My first book published in July 2013 and I'm now finishing up my 18th story that will be coming out in August. To prepare for a story I normally write down a few thoughts and then just wing it. I have a notebook I keep with me almost all the time to jot down ideas that randomly come to me and I'll look through it if I need inspiration or sort of come to an unexpected point in the story, but I like to let the characters lead me where they want to go.

H.A. Kay - I write fantasy, chiklit with strong ethnic flavor, and blogs (opinion pieces). I published my first book, Cursed be the Syhlain (book 1 of Aoife and Demon series), in October 2012. I don't do outlines. I just have the plot in my mind or an issue I'd like to address. In a book, I write and let the characters take control of where the story needs to go. In a blog, I'm more in control and I stick to facts and speaking out my mind. However, the reason I write is to tackle the stereotypes surrounding my ethnicity and my homeland. That's my calling I believe.

Desiree A. Cox - I write Erotica/Erotic Romance, I published my first book, Twisted By Desire, in Dec 2014. When I write a new story, I wing it from beginning to end. I don't outline, or give a lot of intense thought to the story line, I just write and let my imagination take over the idea that sparked me. I have two novels in the trilogy published, a short story, Fantasy Come True, in the Wickedly Exotic Spring Erotic Wonderland anthology, and now this novella, Unselfish Love, in this box set.


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