Saturday, June 6, 2015

Veronica: Fragrant Courtesans Book One by Siobhan Dai Release Blitz!!!

Veronica: Fragrant Courtesans
Book One
By Siobhan Daiko


“So fragrant and delightful do I become, when I am in bed with someone who, I feel, adores and appreciates me, that the joy I bring exceeds all pleasure, so the ties of love, however close they seemed before, are knotted tighter still.”

Venice, Italy, 16th Century.

Trapped in unhappy marriage, Veronica uses her wits to escape and takes the only other option open to her. After learning the art of seduction, she becomes a courtesan and gives herself to many rather than being owned by one.
A talented poet and writer, she courts the cultural élite for fame and fortune.
But when disaster strikes and her life begins to unravel, will she finally give her heart to a man? And will she be strong enough to hold her own in a man’s world?

Advisory: Sensuously erotic, 18+

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Meet the Author
Siobhan Daiko is an author of romantic historical fiction and a new series of erotic novellas featuring famous courtesans – strong women who held their own in a man’s world. A lover of all things Italian, Siobhan lives in the Veneto region of northern Italy with her husband and two cats. After a life of romance and adventure in Hong Kong, Australia and the UK she now spends her time, when she isn’t writing, enjoying the dolce vita near Venice.

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