Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kari's 5 Star Review of the Hunted Love Series by Aden Lowe

Big Game: Hunted Love #1

Kari's 5 Star Review:


When a legendary predator decides prize horses should be on his menu, Kate takes the advice of her foreman and hires a big game hunter to track the mountain lion and remove the threat. The hunter arrives to take up the trail, but instead of the seasoned older man she expects, he's young and impossibly sexy. 

Freshly back from deployment to Afghanistan as a special forces operative, Jakob needs to clear his head of the horrors of war. When his uncle dies, Jakob steps in to hunt down a mountain lion on the other side of the state. The prospect of several days in the wilderness with only his horses and dogs for company sounds like the ideal opportunity. Except the infuriating female rancher insists on going along for the ride. 

What I loved:
Kate and Jakob’s story was different then what I usually read. It was a refreshing change. I was pleasantly surprised by the romance infused in this wilderness set story.

Kate-She had a no nonsense attitude with her ranch and her life. She had survived an accident when she was younger that made her now walk with a limp. She didn’t let that injury stop her. Kate was strong-willed but knew how to ask for help. Especially when it came to a mountain lion mauling one of her horses and endangering the life of any of her crew members that may want to go look for the predator. 

Jakob- Fresh out of the service, Jakob is trying to decide if he wants out or to go back in. Jakob is staying at his uncle’s house who since has passed away, and was the big game hunter that Kate is calling upon to come get the mountain lion. He take the job instead, and hopes to sort his head out. Then he meets Kate. Instant attraction and sexual tension builds. He is patient, but he knows what he wants, and he will go after it! 

What I didn’t Love:

The thing I didn’t love, was that it ended.  I know there are more books in the series, but I wanted more. SO much more. Kate and Jakob’s story can’t possibly end there. Sigh. Yes so thats my only gripe here. 


Aden Lowe’s debut novel shows that he has a talent to bring us a story that is unique, with in depth character history, and a clear description of what is going on around us in the story. I am looking forward to seeing what else this creative mind comes up with to capture our hearts. 

Big Game Buy Links:

Bounty: Hunted Love #2

Kari's 5 Star Review:


Bounty hunter Falon Harris is asked to go after outlaw biker Tom Kellen and tracks him to where he's hiding out in Stags Leap, KY, laying low and waiting for the heat to pass. Rita James operates a busy tavern/grill and occasionally rents out the little camper trailer on her back lot. Figuring the tavern is the most logical place to watch for Kellen, Falon rents the trailer for a week. The first night, while he's having dinner and watching everything, Kellen shows up and starts giving Rita a hard time. The bartender puts a stop to it, but Falon gets the idea it's happened before. Knowing Kellen's past, he knows the biker won't take no for an answer for long.

What I loved:
Rita-What a badass chick!!!  I FLOVE when an author makes the heroines badass and no-nonsense. Rita is so relatable to me. She has been through some life events, yet somehow she manages to stay strong, but feminine. She reacts like a real woman does to an attractive guy. I also enjoyed how, when Falon enters the picture, she tries to tell herself nothing will be long term, but knows she is lying to herself when she feels that first buzz of electricity between them.

Falon-Who the heck doesn’t like a bounty hunting, alpha-biker? Whew. Falon was all business even when it came down to giving the business. He is a tough guy and also a former service man (Did I forget to mention that?…sorry ladies!) who is sent to hunt down a bad news biker. Falon is on a mission to get the bad guy but does he want to keep the girl too? She may not give him much of a chance. (This is all I can really say about all this because there is an awesomely fantabulous sneak attack twist!)

What I didn’t love:
GAHHHH…I hate to say that I HATE anything because let’s be honest here. We know I really didn’t. But….the camper creeped me out. I think it may be due to some whack a doodle childhood prank my dad pulled on me when I was little. Anyway I digress. Its weird to have random people just stay in a camper outside your place and your business. But…then again it added some doom to the story I suppose.

I am still absolutely floored that this male author stays classy and can write such relatable female characters. He claims he is a romance writer, but he is also a suspense writer. The ability to intertwine characters and keep them straight is a talent all on its own. But then you go and throw in a freaking twist LIKE THAT!!!  ADEN! I almost passed out! Well done! Captured is up next!!!  

Bounty Buy Links:

Captured: Hunted Love #2

Kari's 5 Star Review:


In this final part of the Hunted Love series, Jakob and Kate from Big Game continue to explore the possibilities of their attraction, as disaster and violence head their way. A new foe prepares to rain hell down on their heads in the form of an outlaw Motorcycle Club and Kellen, a killer with a grudge against Jakob. 

Having overheard the plot, Jakob's old Army buddy, Falon, and Rita, from Bounty, race to help, but can they get there in time? 

Kellen will do whatever it takes to have his revenge on Jakob and carry out his orders to force Kate into a brand new horror. Will she be able to count on Jakob's love to sustain her in the darkness? When Falon and Rita interfere with Kellen's plans, they become his targets as well, but since they have no value to him, he simply wants them eliminated. Can they trust in their new love to help them get through?

What I loved:
Usually when I write a review, I like to list the characters and say what I loved about them. I have done that for all but Kellen. And he will have his own story, so I will go in depth then but just to say right now, I LOVE BAD BOYS!!!  Especially bad boy bikers. YUMMO!! But I digress. This review will be on the style of the book more. The synopsis of the book really tells you what’s in store so no need to recap that all again. Besides I am too excited and would give too much away. 

The ultimate in POV taskmaster: Aden Lowe. HOLY CROW! (Hey, that rhymed!) Talk about getting a story from ALL angles. I just simply adored the different POVs. Every character was important to tell this story and each character had their say. Kate and Jakob, Fallon and Rita, and even Kellen had their own perspectives of what was going on. It helped establish the story because each set of characters was doing something different or was at a different place in the story. To be able to switch POVs seamlessly and not lose track of who is who or what is happening with those characters, is an extremely honed talent. 

What I didn’t love:
Ugh. I am not one to be teased in certain situations ::wink wink:: and I didn’t enjoy what I am now dubbing, “The Great Kellen Tease of 2015.”  Aden just barely scratched that surface, but it was enough for me to CRAVE more of his bad boy ass. I don’t have a bunch of patience to wait so, Aden, BRING ON KELLEN!!! 

Aden Lowe brought us 2 individual stories in Big Game and Bounty, but then deliciously wrapped them neatly together in a pretty package called Captured to top it all off. Aden brings a different style, perspective, and uniqueness to his story telling. I am a fan for life and can’t wait for Kellen’s story. 

Captured Buy Links:

Hunted Love Series Paperback

Paperback Buy Links:

About the Author:

Growing up an only child, I was lucky enough to have a huge brood of cousins to help me get into all sorts of trouble. Long summers spent on various family members' farms gave me a deep appreciation for the outdoors and horses. I worked my way through college training horses as a result of those summers. After 15 years editing books for strangers, I decided to try my own hand at writing. Big Game: Hunted Love #1 was my debut, and my story idea file is endless. Now that the Hunted Love series is finished, I might work on a romance series featuring soldiers returning from war and set twenty years in the future. And after that, there's a Roman Gladiator who keeps insisting on telling me his story... or maybe the pirate, or even the spy, will be next. We'll see......

Aden's Links:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Kari ;) Glad you enjoyed Hunted Love, and yes, I'm hard at work on Kellen's Redemption. Soon, lol.
