Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Broken Lives by Brenda Kennedy Cover Reveal has arrived!!!

Broken Lives
By Brenda Kennedy
Genre: Soft Romance

Coming February 1, 2015

Broken Lives - Goodreads


Emma Greyson thought she had it all, until she was faced with Alec Collins’ ugly past.

While Alec tries to leave the past in the past and move on to the future, his wife, Molly, has other plans for her husband.

After Emma is stalked and taunted by Molly, Alec makes a decision that could change everything.

Will he stay with Emma? Will he leave and be with his wife and the mother of his daughter? Does Alec make the right choice? Only time will tell.

Pre-Order Here

Book 1 of the Series

Free on all Major Platforms:

Meet the Amazon Best Selling Author Brenda Kennedy

First and foremost I am a wife, mother and grandmother.

I am also a nurse and a new author.  

I moved to sunny Florida in 2006 and never looked back. I love fresh squeezed lemonade, crushed ice, teacups, wineglasses, non-franchise restaurants, ice cream cones, boating, picnics, cookouts, throwing parties, lace, white wine, mojitos, strawberry margaritas, white linen tablecloths, fresh flowers and Pinterest. I also love to read and write and to spend time with my family. My books thus far, have been inspired by the things I love and the people who influence me, every single day to be a better person.

Other Books by this Author

A New Beginning :
SmashWords : http://bit.ly/1uSQYph

 Saving Angel :
SmashWords : http://bit.ly/1vjk10I

Destined To Love :
SmashWords : http://bit.ly/1BdOW3t

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