Monday, January 5, 2015

Between Tristan & Hannah by Alora Kate Release Day Blitz & Giveaway has arrived!!!

Between Tristan and Hannah
The Four Seasons (Book 2)

By Alora Kate


Hannah’s unconditional love helps Fall talk about his painful past in an attempt to move forward. Old wounds are healing, but new uncertainty is looming for Hannah. Tristan told Summer a secret that he’s never told anyone and he knows she is struggling with believing him.

The story continues for Fall, Hannah, Summer and Tristan as they start new journeys of trust and relationships. They’ll be tested. Their bonds will either grow stronger or crumble under the pressure.

New Adult Romance. Recommended for 18+ due to language and sexy scenes.
Pre-Order Links
Amazon -
Barnes & Noble -
Kobo -
Google Play -


About Alora Kate

"I hear voices in my head and I love that its totally okay." - Alora Kate 
Alora Kate – Pen Name

There are many reasons why she chooses to use a Pen Name. She battled with the idea but in the end, it’s a dedication. Alora Kate is a dedication to someone special who left this world way too soon. 

She doesn’t write to get rich, or famous. She does it because she loves it. If only ten people bought her book and loved it, then it was worth her time to write it. She loves to share her world with others. 

She also works full-time and is a single mom of an active almost three-year-old boy. He is her whole world, and life wasn’t complete until he came along.

Feel free to email her at anytime or here on Goodreads. She would love to hear from you and meet new people. Happy Reading! 

The Quote she reads everyday......
“GIRL, write YOUR book dammit.
Who cares what people think?
If writers in the past cared what other people thought we'd still be glossing over 'inappropriate' kissing scenes.
Break the fucking rules.
Push yourself to the edge.
Show the world what YOU can do.
This is YOUR book. YOUR blood and guts.
AND, don't you EVER, EVER, write one single line for SOMEONE ELSE.” 
― Madeline Sheehan

Alora’s Stalker Links



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