Monday, December 1, 2014

Lauren's Review of If I Were You (Inside Out #1) by Lisa Renee Jones

Well, hello there!!! I took a little break from reading but jumped right back in with this one.  I have a long list of books on my TBR list and I always struggle with what to read next. This one has been on the list for a while and I figured it was time to start it.  I put it on hold because I knew it had a cliffhanger (thanks Laura) and I hate to start a book and then wait for the next one to come out. I prefer to hold off and then bang out the series in one shot. So...I am back to reading, blogging and ready to dive back into all the fabulous books that are out there. I really am at peace when it is just me and my book.

Summary: How it all started…

One day I was a high school teacher on summer break, leading a relatively uneventful but happy life. Or so I told myself. Later, I’d question that, as I would question pretty much everything I knew about me, my relationships, and my desires. It all began when my neighbor thrust a key to a storage unit at me. She’d bought it to make extra money after watching some storage auction show. Now she was on her way to the airport to elope with a man she barely knew, and she needed me to clear out the unit before the lease expired.

Soon, I was standing inside a small room that held the intimate details of another woman’s life, feeling uncomfortable, as if I was invading her privacy. Why had she let these items so neatly packed, possessions that she clearly cared about deeply, be lost at an auction? Driven to find out by some unnamed force, I began to dig, to discover this woman’s life, and yes, read her journals—-dark, erotic journals that I had no business reading. Once I started, I couldn’t stop. I read on obsessively, living out fantasies through her words that I’d never dare experience on my own, compelled by the three men in her life, none of whom had names. I read onward until the last terrifying dark entry left me certain that something had happened to this woman. I had to find her and be sure she was okay.

Before long, I was taking her job for the summer at the art gallery, living her life, and she was nowhere to be found. I was becoming someone I didn’t know. I was becoming her.

The dark, passion it becomes…

Rating: 4 Stars

What I Loved: This book has all the goodies we love to read about. The characters are so dynamic and I can't wait to find out how everything is tied together. The book is one big secret and I am eager to start book two so I can learn more about everyone. Most importantly, I want to know more about Sara's past and what happened to Rebecca to make her leave everything behind. I am all for the dominating males and this story not only had one but two and I completely enjoyed their obvious cockfights over Sara. And why not fight over a girl who says, "All I want is here and now, this piece of time. And please save the pillow talk for someone who wants it. Contrary to what you seem to think, I'm no delicate rose." Love it!!!  Plus, t
here definitely are so hot and steamy parts, especially that journal!! I am looking forward to book #2!!

Not So Much: I feel like I have read this storyline before (Alpha millionaire with a troubled past meets girl next door with troubled past). The only thing that seemed different was the Rebecca part. I don't mind it but sometimes parts of the book reminded me of other books I have read.

What's Next: I am moving on to Being Me (Inside Out #2) Look for my next review!

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