Monday, November 10, 2014

Laura’s Review of Blaze (Storm MC, #2.5) by Nina Levine




Forever is a long time and takes a lot of hard work.

For twelve years, Madison and J's love story has been wild and uncontrollable. Their road to love has been full of breathtaking highs and devastating lows. Finally, they’ve found each other again and have both sworn that this time it will be forever.

Theirs is an everlasting love.

Or, is it?

Can forever be an impossible dream when two people are as headstrong as these two? Or will the deep love they have for each other win out and give them the forever they've fought hard for? 

What I Loved
            I really liked that this story started off with the beginning of Madison and J, so you got to see how their relationship started all those years ago.  I loved that even though this was a novella the passion and emotion still flowed from the pages and manage to grip my heart.  When Madison got upset with J I was upset and sad. 

            This story was filled with some very hot sex scenes that I of course thoroughly enjoyed because who doesn’t love a hot biker naked and J is one HOT man!  I have always loved Madison and J’s dynamic so it was great to jump back into their world and see how things were going between the two of them once J was back and they were living their lives together. 

Not So Much
           I just wish these stories had more details in them over all.  There was some detail when it came to Madison and J’s house, but I would’ve liked more.  I would’ve loved to have known the layout of the place, how many bedrooms it is and stuff like that.  I just really love when books just lay it all down for you so it’s easy for you to place the characters in these spaces and understand the environment around them.   There is one scene in the novella that took place outdoors at Mount Glorious and I would’ve appreciated more details as far as decorations or colors or something.

To Sum it All Up!
           This was a great quick story to hold any lover of the Storm Series over till the next book comes.  It was so great to see J and Madison again and watch them grow as a couple.  There are tough scenes between them that kind of broke my heart but then there were some beautiful scenes that warmed my heart.  I love Storm MC, and I cannot freaking wait to see what happens next with these guys.  I also loved the bonus chapters at the end; we got to see a little bit of Nash and then some more Harlow and Scott as well!

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