Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Laura’s Review of Locke (Corps Security, #4) by Harper Sloan

If you have read and enjoyed Deacon (Unfinished Hero, #4) by Kristen Ashley, Can’t Shake You (River Bend, #1) Molly McLain, and Her Forbidden Hero (The Hero, #1) by Laura Kaye, then you are going to LOVE this book!

Darkness is the only thing I see. Ever since the day my life changed. The day that everything and everyone I held close to me ceased to exist. The day I lost it all and the demons of my past consumed my every waking moment.

I tried to keep others at arm’s length. Tried not to let my darkness taint them. Ruin them. Harm them. And whether I want to admit it or not, as much as I wish I could keep them locked out, they refuse to leave. Refuse to let me suffer alone.

If I hadn’t been so focused on keeping those demons from flying free, I wouldn’t have missed how one perfect angel was able to sneak her way under my skin—refusing to let go. Making me want things I don’t deserve.

She consumes me. Her beauty knows no end. The love she promises tempts me every time she’s near. But that pure heart that makes her MY Emmy is the one thing I’m convinced I’ll destroy if I ever let her close.

I’m a broken man. A broken man with too much darkness in his soul to ever let her light shine upon me. But even that doesn’t stop me from craving her with every single breath in my body.

What I Loved
         For me, this was the most anticipated book in this series.  From the very beginning Maddox grabbed my attention; he intrigued me, scared me, made me smile and broke my heart.  And this was all before his story was even out!  Locke was everything I knew it would be; lots of drama, lots of darkness, and some pretty hot sex.  What I absolutely loved about this book was that not only did the darkness live inside of Locke; it lived inside of Emersyn as well.  Emersyn never really peaked my interests so much, I loved how much she loved Locke but I never really questioned her character or past, but my oh my what a life she has lead! 

            Once again Harper Sloan kept me on my toes the entire time I was reading, and left me with tears in my eyes.  We follow Maddox and Emersyn through their journey of find their happiness and finding each other, and watching that all unfold before our eyes.   This story gripped my heart from the very beginning, and didn’t get go till the very end.  I love every second of this story, there were times I blushed, times I smiled and of course plenty of times I cried.  I love books filled with drama, darkness, and love and Locke did not disappoint.

Not So Much
                I really don’t have tons of negative things to say about this book, which is why I gave it five stars, DUH!  But I will say which is my main complaint when it comes to this series, is that I wish there was more background details in the story.  I wish I got to see more of what Locke’s apartment looked like before Emersyn, and what it looked like after Emersyn.  I would’ve liked to have seen how they had made him apartment a home and how it reflected on their relationship. 

This Book Was…

                Very moving and amazing all at once.  I couldn’t wait to finally get my hands on Locke, he was the one character from the very beginning that held my attention and I just wanted so badly for him to have a happy ending.  I didn’t know what his past was about, what kind of person he was or anything else about him but I was his number one fan anyway.  I thought I loved Locke before this book began, but I am so absolutely head over heels in love with him after reading it.  This book travels somewhat into his dark past, and you finally see all the demons that have haunted him for so long, and why.  We also get to travel into Emersyn’s past and see what kind of world she was raised in, and just where she gets all her amazing strength from.  Not only do you get to experience Locke and Emmy’s love for each other, but you get to see Locke’s raw sexual power and boy oh boy does he know how to use it!  Although each one of these men in this series is truly a hero, and Locke probably embodies that most of all.  To me though, Emmy was the hero in this story, she pulled Locke out of the hell he was living in and shined a light on him that no one else was able to do.  She made him face his demons and you get to see how she never took no for answer from him, I love everything about her.  What a great way to end such an amazing series, I will never forget these people and I can’t wait to see what other creations Harper Sloan produces.

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