Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spotlight on: LOVE IN REWIND by Tali Alexander

Love in Rewind by Tali Alexander

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Emily has the life every woman dreams of.
At 29, she has two beautiful kids, a live-in nanny, housekeeper, cook, and every imaginable luxury in the posh Upper East Side townhouse she shares with her drop-dead gorgeous husband, Louis Bruel. His company, Bruel Industries, owns a big chunk of New York City’s most sought-after real estate, and together Emily and Louis embody the perfect hot fairy tale couple for ten happy years of marriage.
But when Louis mysteriously starts pushing Emily away, becoming distant and secretive, she is forced to search for the truth among the lies, scandal and heartbreak of his past that threaten to shatter her world. What she finds out will test the strength of her love and her vows to the man of her dreams.
Can Emily and Louis rewind far enough back to a time when life was simpler and love was all they needed? Follow their story with the help of some of their favorite songs from the 80’s to discover just how deep and how far love will go.


I didn't need to look back to know who was behind me. His scent alone added another milliliter of arousal to my underwear. I couldn't turn around, he was leaning into me so close. I could feel his heat as his wide muscular chest pressed against me, enveloping me. Heart don't fail me, now. Please don't stop beating, I kept repeating to myself as my heartbeat started increasing to presto speed. 

“Are you trying to make me come in my pants in front of all my clients, little girl?” he asked. 
Fuck, I need to breathe. He continued whispering into my ear, making every hair on my body stand at attention. “I've been jerking off to the vision of your tits in that white top for the last two weeks.” 
I think I officially stopped breathing when he said, “your tits.” 
“Please tell me you're at least eighteen. I really don't want to go to jail. But I think it might be worth it even if you're not.” 
Okay, Emily, snap out of it. Say something adult and memorable. This was my chance. 
“Yeah, I'm eighteen…” I finally said, a little breathlessly. 
He got a little closer as his whole body shook laughing at my pathetic comment. I could faintly feel something hard bulging out and grazing my lower back. I was afraid of having a spontaneous orgasm if he got any closer. 
“Thank … you … God. So you must be Jenna's little sister?” he asked, sending chills through my overheated body. My underwear was soaked by now. Even I could smell how aroused I was. 
“If Mike knew what I wanted to do to his hot little sister-in-law right now, he'd have my balls.” 
I still hadn't turned around. My legs were shaking; my brain was drawing a blank. I was much braver in my fantasies. Thank God there was no one in the kitchen to see us. WAIT! Reality hit me—where was everybody? Shouldn't the other staff members be helping me with the clean up? Oh my God, can somebody see us? I thought. I remembered the one-way glass and started to turn my head around to check just in case anyone else was there. That's when Louis Bruel's lips brushed my cheek as I turned my head. I guess that was the official moment I stopped breathing. I gathered all my strength and turned to face him inside his loose grip. I     looked up at him, trying to seem in control of the situation.      After what felt like twenty minutes of me craning my head up to his towering height, he broke our silent stare-off. 
“I can't believe how beautiful your eyes are, little girl. They remind me of the water in Turks and Caicos. Your hair is the color of the sand there.”  


Author BIO:

I am every woman out there that has fantasies in her head. I'm Israeli by birth, Russian by descent, American by default, and British in my dreams. From 9am-9pm I'm a sexy pharmacist, a ruthless business owner, a caring daughter, a supportive sister, a loyal friend, a loving wife to one very amazing  man, and oh yea, a devoted mother to three little Princesses and a Shih-Tzu. I know, I know it all sounds über boring. But from 9pm-9am I revert to my incognito X-rated romance novelist persona and light the night. All kidding aside, being an author has been hands down my ultimate fantasy. I write to stay sane, and in the process I try to put a smile on your beautiful faces. I hope you enjoy my books … I know I do ;)

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  1. One of my favorites reads of 2014. This is not just erotica, it's a full, lush, beautiful story with characters you will fall in love with. If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for?

  2. Love in Rewind was such a roller coaster read... It kept me captivated throughout... And the ending.... Wow! Loved it��

  3. I have been dying to read this book!!!
