Friday, August 22, 2014

On the Record by K.A. Linde Release Week Event & Giveaway!!

                     For political reporter Liz Dougherty, election day—a day of looking toward the future and saying goodbye to the past—seems like a fitting time to start a new relationship. But feelings for her former flame still linger...

The sexy second book in bestselling author K.A. Linde’s Record series decides whether it’s better to pick up the pieces and move on...or to pick up right where you left off.

Pre-Order On the Record Now

“Liz . . . , you know I can’t talk about it. It’s a conflict of interest if I tell you and then you write about it. Sorry.”

“No, I know,” Liz said. She sighed and looked away, hoping Savannah didn’t notice the heat rising in her face. “I wasn’t planning to write about it. I mean, no offense, but right now he’s old news, with the campaign being over and him a freshman congressman. I was merely curious.”

Damn. How had she kept her tone neutral? Brady Maxwell was never old news. He was so hot that she could put him in any paper and make people read about him, but she didn’t, because most of the time it just hurt too much. And really, he had just gotten into office, so there wasn’t much to cover. Either way, she just hoped she could convince Savannah.

“None taken,” Savannah said with a laugh that told Liz she was relaxing. “I will tell you, though, it’s so weird having my dad and Brady in D.C. now. I always knew Brady would get there, but I’m not used to him being gone.”

 “Yeah, I bet that’s hard,” Liz said. Savannah’s father was a sitting Senator in the U.S. Congress, and Brady had followed in his footsteps right into the House of Representatives. She knew they were all close.

“It is sometimes. I know you’ve heard some of his speeches about not wanting to leave North Carolina, and that’s not him spitting bullshit. He really did want to stick close. He made sure to still spend time with me, especially after Clay left,” Savannah told her.

“That’s sweet of him,” Liz managed. She and Savannah had never talked directly about Brady since that first conversation, when Savannah had made it clear that she knew Liz did not agree with Brady’s politics. She hadn’t wanted to be judged on her brother or by Liz’s political beliefs.

Little did she know.

Savannah shrugged and then nodded. “That’s Brady.”

Yes, it most certainly was.

They both turned to exit the newspaper together, but just before they reached the double doors of the mostly empty office, Liz stopped Savannah short. “Savannah, I don’t want you to think that I was digging for material back there or anything. It was just my own curiosity.”
Oh man, she was going to go all out, wasn’t she?

“And I know what my articles said about him last summer,” Liz said. She couldn’t believe she was about to do this. “But I changed my mind.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was wrong about him and his behavior, and I ended up voting for him in the election.”

“You did?” Savannah asked, surprised. “I didn’t know that.”

“I didn’t really talk about it with anyone. It’s kind of a personal thing.”

“Wow. That’s . . . unexpected.” She broke into a big smile. “I don’t know why, but I feel like a huge weight just lifted off my shoulders. Is that weird?”

Liz laughed and shook her head. “No.”

“It feels weird.”

“Well, I’m still glad I told you.”

“Me too.”

“Just don’t tell anyone. I’d hate to ruin my reputation as a hard ass,” Liz joked.

“My lips are sealed,” Savannah told her, pushing through the double doors.

Teaser Time!

You Are Invited to:
On the Record by K.A. Linde Release Day Party
On Facebook August 26th

Meet the Characters

Character Bios and Pictures
Brady Maxwell III -- State Senator running for the House of Representatives, tall dark and handsome, alpha, played college basketball, family lives in Durham, has a younger brother and sister, father is a U.S. Senator, Adam Cowie

Liz Dougherty -- reporter, student at UNC Chapel Hill, journalism major, Morehead scholar, plays tennis, curvy blonde, obsessed with skinny jeans, originally from Tampa, Bar Rafaeli

Victoria Glass -- Liz's best friend and roommate, prefers TAs and professors (at the same time if she can), party girl, wicked smart, loves to travel, originally from New Jersey, Vanessa Hudgens

Hayden Lane -- editor in chief, student at UNC Chapel Hill, journalism major, cross country runner, blonde with hazel eyes, neat freak, driven, originally from Raleigh, parents and older sister, Jamie, in DC, Oliver Cheshire

Calleigh Hollingsworth -- reporter, works for Charlotte Times, UNC Chapel Hill alum, Hayden's ex, bottle maroon red hair and bright green eyes, exotic build, self serving bitch, Ariana Grande.

Clay Maxwell -- Brady's younger brother, Yale Law School, dating Andrea, promiscuous, cocky, blonde and blue, black sheep of the family, Todd Finlay.

Savannah Maxwell -- Brady's younger sister, freshman in college at UNC Chapel Hill, works on the campaign division with Liz, rebellious, loyal, long pin straight dark brown hair and brown eyes, Victoria Justice

Meet K.A. Linde
            USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde has written the Avoiding series and the Record series as well as the new adult novels Following Me and Take Me for Granted. She grew up as a military brat traveling the United States and Australia. While studying political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia, she founded the Georgia Dance Team, which she still coaches. Post-graduation, she served as the campus campaign director for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An avid traveler, reader, and bargain hunter, K.A. lives in Athens, Georgia, with her fiancé and two puppies, Riker and Lucy.

Three things people dont know about you
1. I really love YA fantasy and dystopian. I read it almost exclusively.
2. I never match my socks.
            3. I love sour candy

Buy Off the Record Now

Dont Forget to Enter This Awesome Giveaway!

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