Thursday, July 31, 2014

Laura’s Review of Cooper (Corps Security, #4) by Harper Sloan

If you have read and enjoyed Raid (Unfinished Hero, #3) by Kristen Ashley, Fighting to Forgive (Fighting, #2 ) by J.B. Salsbury, and A Reason to Breathe (Reason, #1) by C.P. Smith then you will LOVE this book!

         Do you take me seriously? Because I don’t. I use my jokes and easygoing personality to hide the pain I’ve felt since he took his last breath. I’m adrift without my partner in crime, my best friend…my brother. I can taste the vengeance just within my grasp.

          Until she barges into my life. Promising me happiness and a peace I’ve been craving for years. She is the sun to my darkness, the happy to my despair.

           But she holds secrets. Just like I do. She holds hers close, where I just pray mine don’t rock the walls we’re trying to build.

           Now I’m stuck at a crossroads between my desire for revenge and my craving for her and the life we could have together—and I have no idea which road I should travel.

          All I know with crystal clear certainty is that the past has the power to destroy it all.

What I Loved
                There is so much to love about this book I hardly know where to begin!  First of all let me just start out by saying how much I love Chelcie.  She is definitely the type of female character that I can latch onto emotionally and never want to let go.  The same totally goes for Cooper, and I love that the story goes back and forth between the two so I can fall in love with them both! 

                My heart absolutely broke when Coop died in the last book, and Chelcie was left pregnant and alone.  Although it’s so wonderful watching Chelcie move on with her life and fall in love with Asher.  Coop’s presence is evident on every single of page and at certain points I had this knot in my throat from just wanting to cry from truly missing him so much.  Harper Sloan has a way of sucking you completely into the plot, so much so, I felt like I lost Coop myself.  There is so much love between Asher and Chelcie and they preserve Coop’s memory so well it was just very touching.  I also loved that not only did we get Asher’s point of view, but we get parts of Coop and Asher’s past, and finally understand why Coop was the way he was.  You don’t only get Asher’s story, you get Coop’s as well, giving this storyline a certain kind of closure.

Not So Much
                I really have a lot of negative things to say, this book and this series as a whole is just so amazing I cannot get enough of it.  I guess I just wish there was a little bit more background detail as the plot moved on.  I didn't really get a great description of what Chelcie’s apartment looked like; there was no reflection of her personality in her own place.  The only thing that got that full type of description was the baby’s nursery, which was a little disappointing.  Other than that though I absolutely LOVED this book!

This Book Was

          Unbelievably awesome!  There was a lot emotions going into starting this story, I just loved Cooper so much and I knew this was going to be emotional.  I wasn’t wrong but I was totally fine with that, in a way I got to say goodbye to Cooper too by the end of the book and it was definitely bitter sweet.  Things definitely come full circle by the end and once again Harper Sloan has made it possible for me to fall completely in love with another boy from Corps Security.  There is definitely tons of hot sexy scenes to enjoy on top of all the drama going on which just adds to the amazingness of the plot.  I love that we not only get to see the character development of Chelcie and Asher, we get to see everyone else’s stories move forward too.  It’s so great to see Dee and Beck happy together, and watch Melissa and Cage take of their twins.  You don’t just fall in love with the main characters in this series you fall in love with entire group of people that all you want is for them all to be happy.  I cannot wait to get my hands on Locke, and whatever Harper Sloan writes! 

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